
4 Dos And Don'ts Of Business Process Automation 

Are you looking for ways to save time and increase efficiency in your business processes? If so, have you looked into automating specific tasks yet? Business process automation can be a great tool. 

Business process automation (BPA) is the use of technology to automate organizational tasks and processes. It can be used to streamline customer service and create more efficient workflow processes. It allows computers to take over certain aspects of a job or process so that it can be completed quickly and accurately without relying on manual labor. By automating mundane tasks, BPA frees up resources that can be allocated elsewhere in the business.

Automation is one of the most powerful tools available to businesses today. It can help streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service. Still, business owners should understand the dos and don'ts of business process automation to get the most out of it. 

One of the key components to successful business process automation is decision management software. It allows businesses to make decisions quickly and accurately based on data-driven insights, which can be invaluable in helping companies stay competitive in an ever-changing market. When implementing BPA, some dos and don'ts should be observed to ensure it’s used effectively and successfully.

The Dos

  • Automate Long, Repetitive Tasks

Automating long and repetitive tasks is one of the primary benefits of business process automation. When a business uses technology to handle these types of functions, it can save time and money and reduce the likelihood of errors. 

Automating repetitive tasks can also free employees to focus on more complex and strategic tasks, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Some of the functions that can be automated include data entry, document management, and scheduling. Remember, not all tasks are suitable for automation. So, you must evaluate each process to determine whether automation would benefit you.

  • Combine Automation With Human Supervision

No doubt automation can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks. However, certain functions require human expertise and judgment. Businesses can combine automation with human supervision to ensure that essential processes are handled accurately and efficiently.

Moreover, combining can increase the team member's productivity and satisfaction by eliminating monotonous tasks and allowing them to focus on more complex work. You must evaluate each process to determine if it requires human supervision and how to implement it in the best way to achieve the best results.

  • Prioritize Processes For Automation Based On Impact And Feasibility

Companies ought to prioritize processes for automation based on their impact and feasibility. This means identifying strategies that are critical to the business, consume a significant amount of time and resources, and can be easily automated. This approach can help ensure that automation is implemented successfully and that the business can realize the full benefits of automation over time.

By focusing on processes that have a high business impact, are technically feasible, and have a good return on investment, businesses can ensure that automation is implemented strategically and cost-effectively.

business automation

  • Gradually Eliminate Manual Processes

Automating all processes at once can be overwhelming and difficult to manage. As a result, you want to eliminate manual processes gradually. By doing this, businesses can ensure that automation is implemented successfully and that employees have time to adapt to the changes.

Start with simple processes that’ll have the most impact and can be easily automated. Once these processes have been automated, businesses can move on to more complex operations. This approach allows companies to see the benefits of automation early on. Plus, it can help build support for the automation project.

The Don'ts

  • Don't Expect Error-free Results

It's not realistic to expect error-free results from business process automation. Automated systems, like any other system, can make errors. For this reason, you should have a plan in place to address them. Automated systems can make errors due to software bugs, incorrect data input, or unexpected changes in the process.

Businesses should have systems for monitoring and testing the automated process to identify and address errors as they occur. This can include having a human review a random sample of the automatic procedure to ensure its accuracy or using data analytics to identify patterns of errors.

  • Don't Be Over-reliant On Automation

Businesses shouldn’t be over-reliant on automation. While automation can provide significant benefits, you must acknowledge that specific tasks require human expertise and judgment. By over-relying on automation, businesses can become inflexible and unable to respond to unexpected changes.

Companies should incorporate a hybrid automation approach with human supervision to avoid over-reliance on automation. This approach can help ensure that essential processes are handled accurately and efficiently while allowing employees to use their skills and judgment.

  • Don't Set Unrealistic Expectations On ROI

In spite of automation providing significant benefits, it's still important to have realistic expectations about the potential ROI. You need to know that the ROI of automation may not be immediate, and it may take time for the savings to materialize.

Companies should also consider all costs associated with automation, including the technology, implementation, and maintenance cost. These costs should be factored into the ROI calculations. 

By having realistic expectations about the ROI of automation, businesses can ensure that they’re making informed decisions about the automation project and that they can measure the project's success over time. 

  • Don't Discount Other Solutions

As much as business automation can be a powerful tool for increasing efficiency and reducing errors, it's crucial to consider other solutions before automating a process. While automation can handle repetitive and time-consuming tasks, other solutions may be more cost-effective or efficient. For example, a process causing delays may be solved through process redesign or optimization rather than automation. Or a process that is consuming a lot of resources could be outsourced to a third-party provider.

Evaluate the current process and consider all potential solutions before automating. By considering all possible solutions, businesses can ensure that they’re choosing the best option for meeting the goals and objectives of the process.


Business process automation can provide significant benefits for businesses, such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, it's crucial to approach BPA with a strategic plan to ensure success. By following these dos and don'ts, businesses can ensure that automation is implemented successfully and that the company can realize the full benefits of automation.

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