
3 Offline marketing hacks you need to know

offline marketing hacks

Marketing is essential for success in any industry, particularly in times of economic difficulty. When you’re trying to engage your audience and outperform your competitors, it’s essential to think outside the box. With so many businesses focusing solely on online marketing techniques, a significant number of companies are missing out on the rewards offline marketing can offer. Fortunately, you don’t have to be one of them.

With these three offline marketing hacks, you can kick-start your business and boost your sales straight away. No matter what sector you operate in or what demographic you serve, try these handy hacks if you want to see your revenue soar:

  1. Custom Packaging

If you aren’t already using custom packaging to your advantage, you should be. With the potential to create increased brand awareness, reinforce your core company values and exceed your customer’s expectations, bespoke packaging is a form of offline marketing that offers high rewards. What’s more, it doesn’t need to come at a high cost. With the right print methods and materials, you can create top-quality packaging for your products without significantly increasing your budget. 

While bespoke packaging is often associated with luxury goods, you don’t have to be aiming for the high-end market to benefit from using bespoke packing. The addition of bespoke wrapping elevates your product and sets your brand apart from other competitors. Using custom packaging when targeting any market highlights the emphasis you place on customer value and allows you to convey a luxury purchase experience, regardless of what product a customer is buying. 

As such, you can rely on bespoke packing and wrapping to act as one of your USPs. Customers are quick to remember brands that make them feel appreciated and will likely make repeat purchases on this basis, so be sure to make the most of the opportunities custom packaging offers. 

  1. Display Marketing

Display marketing covers a multitude of formats, so the sky really is your limit when you decide to market your brand offline. From roller banners and stands to wall art and window displays, you can be as creative as you like with the mediums available. 

If you’re an online-only business, don’t assume you can’t engage in display marketing. There are many advertising spaces dedicated to online businesses who want to build their local profile, so there are still plenty of opportunities to reap the rewards offline marketing can offer. Most effective when combined with a local SEO campaign, it’s the perfect way to run a cohesive marketing campaign that features both online and offline techniques to deliver maximum impact. 

Despite the success display marketing offers, few businesses really know how to get it right. Take the time to make sure your graphics really do catch the eye and represent your brand, rather than simply taking up space. In addition to this, be sure to assess your proposed graphics from the right vantage point before you sign off on them. Designing a banner, billboard or stand on a screen can look very different to the end result, so bear this in mind before you order your next print run. 

  1. Customer Rewards

Everyone loves to get something for nothing and the chance to build up rewards will keep your customers coming back for more. Already used frequently in the food and drink industry, any company can leverage this offline marketing hacks using company reward schemes to increase their customer lifecycle value. 

From offering free next-day delivery following multiple purchases to giving loyal customers a limited-edition discount, the incentive of a reward can have a remarkable impact on your customer base. 

Not only does rewarding your customers highlight your appreciation of them, it also enables you to show just how well you know them. Launching reward schemes that really target your customers’ needs and desires will only serve to cement their opinion of your business as a brand they can trust, which means company loyalty can be cultivated too. In short, the right customer reward scheme will boost your short-term sales, generate long-term revenue and create an army of brand ambassadors to help promote your business. 

Launching New Marketing Campaigns

Successful marketing activity like these offline marketing hacks, requires careful planning, so don’t be tempted to rush in and start a campaign too quickly. New campaigns should rely on your existing brand and complement your previous marketing methods, rather than competing with them. Better yet, running multiple marketing campaigns at the same time allows you to benefit from both offline and online marketing techniques and reach your target audience across a range of markets. When you’re able to do this, you can grow your business swiftly, increase your customer base and maximize your profitability.

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