
20 Ways to Make Money Online


With the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the globe, it’s becoming essential to stay and work from home. Due to that, many individuals are needing to look at ways to make money online to help support themselves and their families.  Fortunately, there are many online platforms where you can register your skills as a service provider that has the opportunity to match your skills to businesses needing your services.

 20 Methods to Make Money Online:

1. Dropshipping

Dropshipping entails selling items without necessarily having physical inventory. You can, therefore, make good money without investing in storage and maintenance expenses. Dropshipping works best if you have an e-commerce business.

2. Affiliate Programs

Generate income utilizing affiliate programs since it is one of the most straightforward approaches to make money online. It may not be simple, but as they say, you can gain cash while you rest. For instance, with Capsulink's referral program, you can get up to $400 for every customer who signs up relying upon their membership. Your referral is also granted a 10% markdown on the initial purchase.

3. Copywriter

Do you want to make a decent income from home? If you have a way with words, try copywriting. It’s full of opportunities, thanks to the high demand for marketing messages.

4. Monetize on "How To" Videos

Most people now rush to YouTube for all kinds of video guides and courses. Create videos in a niche you’re passionate about. Once you get a significant following, you can cash in on partnerships from brands.

5. Podcasts

Podcasts provide a platform to earn money through commercial sponsorship.  You only need a laptop, excellent microphone, and recording software. An episode a week is enough to kick start this hustle.

6. Freelance Proofreader

Did you know you can make money online proofreading documents? You can either work as a part-time or full-time proofreader raking in up to $20 per page.  There are multiple sites that you can register for and offer your services.

7. Web Development

Freelance content and web development jobs pay well. Luckily there are a plethora of excellent online tools to help you make great websites. You will, however, require some experience and expertise in this area.  Take a look at Fiverr and Upwork as platforms to register your services on.

8. Establish Tutoring Services

Tutoring is a lucrative business that can provide you with a comfortable lifestyle. Ensure you offer exceptional service to benefit from word of mouth referrals.

9. Make Money Blogging

Write about topics you like and interested in and earn money while at it through affiliate marketing. You can write about anything, from shopping, to diet topics.

10. Venture into eBook Business

Writing eBooks is a fast and easy way to make money online. You can also find a published book and acquire an online publishing license.

11. Build Life Coach Programs

Life coaching involves helping people achieve their goals. If you have experience with people and coaching this could be for you. As a result, earn money changing lives positively by assisting the people to boost their confidence and overcome fears.

12. Audio Narrator

Audiobooks are a popular source of entertainment.  You can make extra cash doing narrations. The best part, you don’t require extensive experience.

13. Offer an Online Course

Consider offering an online course consisting of PDF downloads, videos, and tutorials. Then have students can access the course through the membership area of your website.

14. Internet Research

Want to make money online? Online research is a perfect job that can earn you up to $2000 a month working part-time.

14b. Sell Quality Photos Online

Photography is an excellent way of earning money without making a massive financial investment. The market is awash with affordable high-grade digital cameras to kick-start your hustle. You can sell the photos online by posting them on established databases.

15. Teach English to Non-Natives

There is a massive demand for English teachers, especially in countries where it’s not the first language. If you’re a native English speaker and you’ve got an essential TEFL qualification then you're good to go! Additionally, you can teach English virtually.

16. Offer Translation and Interpretation Services

Interpreting and translation services have high demand. Therefore, if you want to make more profit, consider targeting bilingual communities. People in these communities are willing to invest in translation services.

17. Transcribing

Transcribing involves listening to an audio file on headphones and typing the voice memos out. Hence the more you type, the more you earn.

18. Health and Wellness Training

Many people appreciate the importance of keeping fit. However, going to a gym is not always an option. You can make good money as a trainer or therapist by teaching wellness and fitness skills online.

19. Become a Travel Writer

You can make money by selling travel articles. There is plenty of information online, including the writers' guidelines. Although the job is exacting, the rewards are worth it.

20. Publishing

Publishing English magazines online can earn you a good living. Furthermore, publications on local events can fund a lifestyle most people can only dream of.

These 20 ideas can help cure your boredom and help to ease financial strain during this time. Again, search for platforms where you can register as a service provider so that you can make money online right away.


Looking for help? Tired and believing there has got to be a better way?

Let’s talk about your business. With over a decade of experience leading companies and transforming lives, and a Master’s degree in Org. Development and Leadership, Mike can help you find the best way forward!

Contact Mike today to start the breakthrough!

Mike Gingerich life leadership business coaching

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