
15 Of The Leading SEO Experts' Twitter Accounts

We all know that SEO is no piece of cake. It is a time-consuming yet rewarding practice. How can you learn more about SEO and be-up to date with the latest methods and trends? Simple! Learn from top SEO experts on twitter. In this article, I’ve compiled a list of 15 top SEO experts you must follow. Search Engine Optimization, being such a giving community benefits from experts who regularly share tips, tricks, updates, best practices as well as details on upcoming social media conferences and webinars- on the most popular social network, twitter.

So let’s take a look at 15 of the leading SEO experts you shouldn’t miss! Follow them for a free SEO education.

1. Brian Dean

Leading SEO Experts

Brian Dean is the founder of Backlinko is the best place for next-level SEO training and link building strategies. He is also the co-founder of explodingtopics. He is regarded as a Unicorn among a sea of SEO experts. Dean has years of experience to confirm the outcome of his strategy, eight years to be precise.

Brian describes SEO as the perfect blend of art and science. Follow him on twitter for innovative, fresh, exciting and unique solutions and SEO and backlink expertise.

Follow @Backlinko on Twitter

2. Neil Patel

Neil Patel leading seo expert

Neil is a successful entrepreneur, founder of kissmetrics, and crazyegg, who has rightfully earned the position of the best SEO expert the world has to offer. His posts about SEO and business are the best you can find on the web. Many prominent brands such as Viacom, GM, Amazon, TechCrunch, NBC, and others have relied on him to gain the popularity they have now.

Follow him on Twitter where he shares his SEO and online marketing tips to millions around the world.

Follow @neilpatel on Twitter

3. Moz

Moz Twitter

Moz is the new name of seomoz, founded in 2004 by Rand Fishkin. It promotes a number of marketing products for SEO and social visibility and also hosts a popular blog about SEO and digital marketing.

Follow @Moz on Twitter for SEO experiments, webinars and more.

4. Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land Twitter

Founded by Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land is by far the most comprehensive resource about digital marketing. It covers all aspects of digital marketing, advertising technology and the martech landscape.

It features daily news, feature announcements and product changes.

If you are short of time and you only need to follow one website, then search engine land is your best choice.
Follow @sengineland on Twitter

5. Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin SEO Twitter

Rand Fishkin is the current CEO of Moz, which already speaks volumes of his qualities and SEO expertise. He is regarded as the Wizard of Moz and is a respected teacher for newbies as well as experienced SEO learners. He is a must-follow SEO guru on Twitter.

Follow Rand on Twitter to know more about marketing, SEO and startups.

6. Matt Cutts

Matt Cutts Google Twitter

Matt is a Google employee leading the team responsible for the changes to Google SERPs. Follow him on Twitter where he announces Google search engine updates and shares interesting new developments about technology in general.

7. Danny Sullivan

Danny Sullivan SEO Leader

Danny Sullivan is an SEO veteran, active in the field of SEO for many years. He worked on what SEO is today long before google took matters in its hands. As his Twitter bio states, he helps people better understand search and helps Google better hear public feedback.
Follow @dannysullivan on Twitter

8. Jeff Bullas

Jeff Bullas Leading SEO Expert

Jeff is a social media marketing speaker and blogger. He is considered a social media power influencer by Forbes. He tweets about social media and SEO.

Follow @jeffbullas on Twitter

9. Brian Clark

Brian Clark Twitter
It is true that Brian used the term content marketing before anyone else ever understood what it is. He is certainly one of the innovators in the era of SEO.

Follow @brianclark on Twitter

10. Cyrus Shepard

Cyrus Shepard Twitter

Cyrus is an SEO practitioner, writer, speaker and educator who is also the former director of SEO at Moz. He brings 9 years of experience to the table and is undoubtedly one expert you must follow for everything SEO.

Follow @CyrusShepard on Twitter where he shares blogs, articles and guides on SEO tactics, trends and best practices.

11. Brian McDowell

Brian McDowell Twitter

Brian is a principal Digital Strategist focusing on enterprise SEO SEM & Online Brand Management. He has 21 years of experience working in the SEO industry. He has enormous knowledge about enterprise SEO which he frequently shares on his Twitter account.

Follow @brian_mcdowell on Twitter.

12. Kelsey Jones


Kelsey Jones Twitter SEO

Kelsey Jones is the founder and Chief Marketing Strategist at Six Stories. She has over a decade of experience in editing, writing and catering SEO services to global clients.

Follow @wonderwall7 on Twitter

 13. Bill Slawski

Bill Slawski Twitter

Bill Slawski can vouch to have more than 20 years of experience in the field of SEO. That’s quite a rare thing these days. He is one of the most experienced SEO experts out there whose SEO story started way back in the 1990s!

On SEO by the Sea, he shares his unbiased observations and opinions about the SEO industry and its development. Follow @bill_slawski on Twitter.

   14. Alex Moss

Alex Moss Twitter

In addition to being an expert in the SEO world, Alex Moss is a WordPress theme creator and plugin developer.  Follow Alex’s Twitter account to keep up with SEO developments affecting the WordPress world. 

15. Andy Drinkwater

Twitter Andy Drinkwater

Andy Drinkwater is a freelance SEO Consultant. He is one of the older SEO experts, having been in the field since 1999. He specializes in technical SEO and auditing. Follow Andy’s twitter handle for more.


We hope this list helps you find some interesting SEO experts on Twitter. You’ll surely benefit from the knowledge they share.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. I’m sure there are many SEO experts that I might have missed out on, but it is not possible to mention everyone.

If you know any SEO expert that is worth mentioning in our list, do let us know in the comments below. Following SEO experts on twitter can only take you so far, at the end of the day one must hire a local SEO expert who can help your business rank on the first page of Google.

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