
11 Surprising Text Message Marketing Statistics for 2020

message marketing 2020 Online marketing does not need to be incredibly complex. Things can and should be simple, targeted, and effective - nothing quite says "simple, targeted and effective" like a text message!

You may feel so overwhelmed by all the different types of marketing in the social media age that you've overlooked this approach. You wouldn't be alone as most businesses have been neglecting it - meaning if you begin now, you'll have a head start.

Text message or SMS marketing provides a lot of advantages, some of which we'll touch upon below. Text message marketing has emerged into the mainstream over the past year. Going from a more niche-type of marketing to one you can't afford to ignore.

In this article, we're going to look at 11 surprising statistics for text message marketing. Giving you good, solid reasons why you should begin implementing text message marketing.

#1 Text Messages Get Read

Text messages are much more likely to be read than emails.

Think about it: how many emails that are obvious solicitations do you open on a regular basis?

We're willing to bet almost none of them! Unlike emails, text messages come with a push notification that might not go away until the message has been opened. That, coupled with the constant urge most people have to check their messages, means it is no surprise that text message open rates are as high as 98%! Compare this to the 20% open rate for emails.

#2 Text Messages Get Read Fast

90% of SMS messages received are read within three minutes. That means that, if you're trying to get people interested in a time-sensitive offer (one of the most appropriate uses of SMS marketing). You can rest assured that they will be aware of it much more rapidly than if you were to use other forms of communication.

#3 Text Message Marketing Boost Better ROI than Email Marketing

The return on investment (ROI) for text message-based marketing is higher than methods like email.  Text message marketing campaigns have performed around 7 times better than email. They also have a 209% higher response rate than Facebook, email or voice messages. Referrals and word of mouth advertising are 32% higher via text message than email marketing.  By using a bulk text messaging service you can reach many customers easily.

#4 Text Mobile-Based Coupons Get Used

One of the best ways businesses were using text message marketing in 2019 was by providing in-store on-demand coupons. This is a brilliant way to motivate purchases that otherwise would not be made. 70% to 80% of these mobile-based coupons are redeemed. Which means they are being redeemed 10 times more often than other types of coupons.

Restaurant marketing case studies show that delicious images of food (as shown below) sent along with the text coupon, doubled coupon redemption.

Text message marketing statistics

#5 Text Message Marketing Drives Engagement

Text message marketing, due to its more intimate, immediate nature, is great at driving engagement.

If you've been following social media marketing trends, you'll know that engagement is important and will continue to grow in importance. Surveys are one great way to do this. The immediate access to consumers you get with texting is an ideal way to gather information about customers that can be used to fine-tune your marketing.

Text message marketing, when done right, will increase brand awareness in a positive way. Many experts recommend, for instance, wishing a customer a happy birthday or even offering them a discount in the days around their birthday.

Engagement rates for text message marketing are 6 to 8 times higher than with email marketing. Around 30 % of people will respond to a text message you send them.

#6 Pretty Much Everyone Has Access to a Mobile Device

If you're walking through a park, mall, or other kind of shopping center, you'll likely see a lot of people looking at their phones. This is no coincidence: 92 % of people in America have a phone that can receive text messages.

A 2007 Morgan Stanley study showed that 91 % of Americans are within reaching distance of their phone at all times - and that's ancient history, back from the age of flip phones. Surely that number has grown dramatically over the past 13 years!

#7 Consumers Want Text Messages More

It turns out that a large percentage of millennials,  a full 75 % - prefer to receive text messages when it comes to promotions or information related to deliveries.

This reflects the fact that SMS marketing is best used when it comes to time-sensitive information. Such as short-term offers or tracking details showing when deliveries will arrive.

Additionally, around 60 % of consumers have a more positive impression of a business that contacts them via text message. Additionally 64 % of consumers feel that businesses should contact them via text message more regularly.

#8 Consumers Are Already Using Mobile for Shopping

Around 80 % of consumers use their smartphones for shopping (you probably know this from personal experience). So you should motivate them to make a purchase while their mind is already on buying something.

#9 More People Than Ever Will Be Using Mobile

More than 60 % of people in the world already have a mobile device. This number is expected to increase to around 77 % over the next five years. In light of these facts, going without a text message marketing strategy would mean bypassing absolutely massive potential to drive sales.

#10 In the Future, Mobile Most People’s Primary Access the Internet

One interesting predicted change in the way people access the Internet is that more people will access it exclusively via mobile devices. By 2025, researchers predict 72.6 % of people on the web will use only smartphones to go online. We've already seen that text message marketing is rapidly surpassing e-mail marketing. With this projected change in mobile usage it is assured.

#11 The Text Marketing Field is Wide Open Now

Truth be told, now is the time for you to get involved in text message marketing. It's being discussed more and more online after its success in 2019. Meaning it's going to be used more by marketers worldwide.

For the moment, however, 61 % of marketers are not using it. So start now and you'll have an early lead and be able to turn some of the novelty of the method into sales.

We've shown you why your business can't afford to ignore text message marketing over the coming year.

All these statistics confirm the common-sense notion: almost everyone has a phone. These phones afford a business direct access to customers in an unprecedented way. So why not make use of this untapped, overlooked potential for effective, targeted marketing?

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