
10 Top Project Manager Responsibilities for the Role

Project manager responsibilities

Every company looks to its project manager to make the magic happen. They place a lot of trust in this person to create great something out of mere ideas.

This glory requires a strong sense of duty. If you hope to carry this weight, then you should understand project manager responsibilities upfront.

Project Manager Job Description

In short, everybody expects this person to successfully initiate, plan, draw up, execute, monitor, and finish business ventures.

They turn a company's goals into their own mission. The person holding this title should act as a leader, inspiring others to share in this common goal.

Not only should they carry out the mission, but do so within the limits of capital and time.

Do you want to know more about these responsibilities?

10 Important Project Manager Responsibilities

Managing projects for your company means holding yourself accountable for each and every step of the process. Keep reading to learn more about project manager roles and responsibilities.

1. Scoping

The project manager should scope out the details that will make an ideal functional. They need to:

  • Create a blueprint that allows others to visualize the scope of the project
  • Figure out all of the resources necessary for execution, including time, money, labor, materials, etc.
  • Learn all of the documentation that this project will require

Their scope of the project should reveal all angles so they do not fall short or run into surprises later.

2. Prioritization

What needs to happen first and how do you allocate the resources? Those decisions fall on you as the project manager of a company and can make or break your venture.

3. Leading

Only a good leader can successfully carry out big projects. So, exercise leadership skills.

This means delegating tasks but also taking accountability if the person you assign a task to messes up. It requires you to keep a positive attitude and a level head when everything else feels chaotic so that your team follows suit.

A great leader knows to work with the people and not above them. Learn more about leadership success strategies discussed at an executive conference.

All of these leadership skills translate into tangible tasks. They include assigning tasks, creating deadlines, providing resources, and keeping everybody in the loop.

4. Communicating

One of the biggest project manager duties is communicating with everybody. You will serve as the middleman who keeps everybody, including executives, workers, and all other stakeholders, all on the same page.

They need to know your purpose, goals, progress, and setbacks. Typically, things will change throughout the mission, and you need to keep everybody posted as it happens.

5. Execution

Project manager roles and responsibilities require them to successfully execute this project from multiple positions. As mentioned above, they must lead others to play their role.

But, the project manager also needs to get their hands dirty if they want the job done right. This person does not pick and choose what they like to do.

Instead, they pick up the slack where they see it. This will keep everything on pace.

6. Documenting

Projects require impeccable documentation for a number of reasons:

  • Documentation allows you a quick look at the progression of the project
  • It also shows where, when, why and how something went wrong
  • This alerts you to who you need and who wastes your efforts
  • Documents also keep your nose clean with permits, waivers, insurance...
  • Documents allow you to budget

It falls on you to get things approved and signed off for moving forward and keeping the records somewhere safe.

Failing to document can bring serious repercussions. Collect data, use daily verbal and written status reports, and backup all-important paperwork.

7. Budgeting

Remember those scopes you needed to define? They will all come out in the numbers.

Setting a budget means projecting the total number of costs for completing your project over a specific period of time. It covers the cost of labor, material procurement, and operating costs.

You may want to break it down for easier management. Decide on a bar number for each phase of the project, so you can catch errors and make necessary changes early on.

But, you do not only set the budget. You also need to stay on top of it.

Successful budgeting strategies will help:

  • Use old data from similar projects to make more accurate appraisals
  • Reach out to master budgeters for help
  • Double and triple check your numbers ahead of time to catch unnecessary errors
  • Also reference the historical data for a guideline on fixing budget errors
  • Continuously update your budget

Make yourself familiar with whatever budgeting software you use, so that you can pay attention to important details. Cloud-based budgeting is easy to use and will keep your budget in real-time.

8. Timing

In the same way that you budget your money, budget your time. Watch the minutes you spend, because every day over your goal increases your costs.

Create an efficient schedule with reliable crew members. Avoid scheduling more people than necessary, not enough help, and/or failing to create deadline dates.

Combing through your initial plan with a fine-tooth comb to find any errors at the beginning will also help you manage your time. It is easier to correct a mistake on paper than the one already played out.

Create milestones. Breaking it up into smaller parts will make execution easier and make the end goal seem more reachable to employees. Plus, it will help you revise your deadlines if need be.

Collaborate with others effectively to help make the most of your allotted time. Use time management tools to help coordinate this.

9. Managing Risks

Another one of the important project manager responsibilities is managing risks. Use a spreadsheet to create a risk register that logs and describes the risk with all crucial details.

In this role, you want to identify both opportunities and risks and predict the likelihood of each. You also want to determine the impact, plan a response with a designated responder, and then calculate the cost.

10. Maintaining

The project does not end upon completion. The project manager needs to regularly check-in to make sure the job holds up.

Set Yourself up for Success

Do you have what it takes to carry out project manager responsibilities? Whether you hope to land this job or another, you should always set yourself up for success.

Every successful person focuses on building leadership skills. Check out the leadership books on my website to help you hone in on these qualities.

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