
Working From Home? Here's What to Do to Prevent Burnout

Working From Home? Here's What to Do to Prevent Burnout

Since the pandemic has become the new normal, and many of us now find that the boundaries between our professional and private lives are blurring, what used to be a space where you could focus on yourself has also become the same space you earn your bread While this isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but like everything else, it’s best to develop and maintain healthy habits to build something sustainable. Luckily, it’s not that complicated. Just keep the following tips in mind when planning your work schedule and setting up your workspace, and you’ll never burn out again. Here’s what you need to know.

Divide Everything Into Smaller Tasks

Whether it is your space, your tasks, or your time, every little bit of organization helps. Everything is undeniably easier to undertake if done methodically, one step at a time. This method is profusely used by the most successful entrepreneurs and can apply the logic to your own workflow. If you have a big project coming up, by all means, break it up into fragments and smaller bits, assign jobs accordingly, and give yourself different timescales.

Get Comfortable

You should always make sure that you’re comfortable, but not cozy. There is a fine line between both. Where that line lies is often an issue of personal preference, so it is mostly up to you. You want to be relaxed, in a position that won’t hurt your posture, but one that will keep you alert. There are different kinds of chairs out there that you might want to look at, some of which rechannel pressure through your knees rather than the lower back. That said, maybe a chair isn’t for you. More and more people are now finding that their productivity is increased when they work standing up on a desk about the height of a kitchen counter.

Take Breaks

During your breaks, make sure that you do whatever is necessary to give yourself a breather, and this can include food, water, interacting with your loved ones and pets, fresh air, even contemplation. Do whatever you need to do to replenish your mind and soul, but get away from your screen.

It’s natural that some of us may find ourselves unsure of what could help us take a breather. If that’s the case, you might want to try out these awesome ideas to take your mind off work - there’s nothing better than to stop for a bit before getting right back into the game to make you feel productive. Make sure that you set a timer and that you don’t take breaks longer than twenty-five minutes, seeing as long breaks only make it harder to get back to work, and they typically do more harm than good.

Call A Friend

You can give an old friend a call, or text them if you don’t have much time on your hands. It’s not the most professional thing to do with colleagues, but if it will keep you sane, by all means, call up an old pal and have a venting session together. Better yet, if your friend works with you, they might have a piece of advice or two to share with you, and you will have somebody that understands your hurdles.

Change Workspaces

One of the best ways you could prevent yourself from getting bored is to change your work environment. Changing your setting will temporarily give you the illusion that you’re taking a break from your usual workspace. It might not be the Scottish Highlands that you’ll be looking at for a change, but maybe there’s a more colorful corner you can make your little hobbit hole for a week. 

Start to Learn Something New

It’s always a good idea to pick up a new hobby so that you’ll have something to look forward to when you clock out. However, you don’t want to learn something too complicated or make a huge commitment. You don’t want to get distracted from the task at hand, and worst of all, you don’t want added stress! 

So while you may take up a new hobby, skill, or language, remember the main reason you are doing so will be for the fun of it, so think of it as a distraction component. Distractions can be a very healthy thing because it is a plain truth that we all have a limited ability to focus. Once our energy is depleted, it needs to be replenished through stimuli that can be mental, physical, or both. 

You must remember that you are really the one who is in control of what can get to you during stressful times, which can be done through your routines and habits. This is especially true at work, and even more so when work invites itself into your living room. 

Working From Home? Here's What to Do to Prevent Burnout

The pace and flow of your day are what you need to be mindful of - if you feel a block forming, maybe it is time to switch some things up and change your workspace. Always make your space your own, bring everything you’ll need along, and take plenty of well-timed breaks. This way, you can satisfy your mental and bodily functions, while also doing something stimulating and entertaining that isn’t working.


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