
Why Data Mapping Can Help Your Business?

Why Data Mapping Can Help Your Business?

Converting data into actionable insights can significantly help businesses. Since large businesses collect and store a massive amount of data, it can be hard for them to keep track of it and manage it.

Data is crucial for business analysis, forecasting, and decision-making, and handling it manually can obviously lead to human error and inaccurate strategic decisions. Therefore, corporations tend to invest in efficient and robust data mapping tools to stay ahead of their competitors.

If you are interested in knowing about data mapping and how it can help your business, keep reading this article!

What Is Data Mapping?

Data mapping is a process of organizing data from several sources and combining it in a centralized entity. It can facilitate companies in breaking down large data into sizeable bits and creating visual representations of it. Thus, making it easier for them to understand and analyze data better. Often data mapping is used to migrate, integrate, and transform data, including data warehousing.

Data Migration  

Data migration relates to transferring data from one place to another. For instance, moving data from one system to another.

When data migrates, you remove the original source of data. Since data migration is risky and difficult, data mapping software comes in handy.

Data Integration

Data integration helps combine data from numerous sources into one single entity. This process takes place according to the set schedule, like weekly, quarterly, or monthly, and it can also be triggered by an event.

Data Transformation

Data transformation means changing the format of the data entirely. For instance, when moving data, changing “Australia” into “AUS” allows the format to remain consistent for better evaluation.

Data Warehousing

Data mapping makes the data warehousing process a cinch. When you require a pool of data that’s already migrated, integrated, and transformed for analysis, that data pool is found in a data warehouse.

Benefits of Data Mapping for Businesses

1. Optimization of Complex Formats

With the help of data mapping tools, data transformation becomes easier to ensure accurate and consistent transformation of various data formats while saving time and minimizing human error for smoother business operations.

2. Boosts Your Company’s Productivity

Since data mapping collects your company's entire data and keeps it well-organized, it allows you to quickly find solutions to issues by tracking relevant data immediately. Being more efficient leads to better decision-making and improves the business's overall productivity.

3. Allows Consistent Access to Data

Data mapping stores all the data in one place. Therefore, everyone in the company has access to it round the clock. This ensures smooth business operations while boosting employees’ efficiency.

4. Fewer Challenges for Changing Data Models

Data mapping isn’t a one-off process because changes in systems and reporting requirements can require updates and maintenance in data mapping. As most data mapping tools are cloud-based, stakeholders don’t have to fret about data being erased.

They can always have access to data and reuse data to make updates to it to save time and effort. In addition, they have peace of mind that data is consistent all over the network and is secure.

5. Contributes to Effective Customer Information Management

As data mapping organizes data in one single entity effectively, along with reports, you get access to customers’ data as well. This lets you better understand your customer's behaviors and preferences and run a customer-centric business.

What to Look For In a Data Mapping Tool?

The features and functionality of data mapping software may vary from business to business. However, the most common factors to consider when investing in a data mapping are as follows:

  • Usually, data mapping tools support the most typical files like Excel and XML. An ideal data mapping tool should also support several other formats like SAP, Oracle, SQL Server, and SAS.
  • Ability to create reports quickly for improved decision-making processes.
  • Be user-friendly and have a low learning curve since you don’t want your employee to keep struggling with it when using.
  • Allow you to automate repetitive tasks to save time and reduce the risk of human error. In addition, you should be able to schedule mapping tasks based on certain events or dates.

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