
What VAT applies in the UK?

VAT applies in the UK

According to the regulations in force in the tax year 2021/2022, the tax-free amount will not change, and interestingly, it will remain at the same level until 2026. The tax-free amount will be £ 12,570.

Tax-free allowance

According to the regulations in force in the tax year 2021/2022, the tax-free amount will not change, and interestingly, it will remain at the same level until 2026. The tax-free amount will be £ 12,570.

Tax on earnings

It depends on the income that you earn during the year. It goes like this:

  • 45% tax if our annual income exceeds £ 150,000,
  • 40% tax, if our annual income is between £ 50,271 and £ 150,000,
  • 20% tax if our annual income is between £ 12,571 and £ 50,270.

However, what is important and new, the NI contribution will change from 2022. It will increase by 1.25% and will apply to both employers, employees, and the self-employed. In addition, the tax on dividends will also increase. Along with the tax increase, there is also a limit on fees for nursing homes introduced in the tax year 2021/2022. Anyone with assets between £ 20,000 and £ 100,000 is eligible for donation. However, it depends on the wealth of a given person.

Tax on goods and services - VAT rates in the UK

The standard UK VAT rate is 20% and includes all products and services that are not subject to the 5% and 0% reduced rates. VAT (value-added tax), i.e. the tax on goods and services, is a tax on added value, i.e. on the increase in the value of goods as a result of the production process or the creation of services. Thus, VAT is an indirect tax, with collection at each subsequent stage of trade in goods or services. VAT will apply to both sellers and buyers of goods and services, as its value is in addition to the net value of the transaction.

Minimum salary and taxes

The minimum hourly wage is as follows:

  • Apprentices and employees under 18 - £ 4.81,
  • People between 18 and 20 years old - £ 6.83,
  • Employees aged 21 to 22 - £ 9.18,
  • Employed persons over 23 years of age - £ 9.50.

In addition, the government has prepared pay raises for public sector workers whose wages have been frozen during the pandemic. According to experts and government forecasts, the increase in earnings in relation to inflation and changes in taxes will grow until 2026 - every year by 1.5%. With higher wages, the government will in theory receive more taxes from its citizens. This makes it possible to counteract inflation.

VAT number in the UK

The UK VAT number consists of 9 digits with the prefix GB (Great Britain) - e.g. GB000000000. There is no UK (United Kingdom) prefix as many people might think.

Help in the taxes in the UK

If you have any problems or concerns with UK tax, please visit

There you will find professional help and lots of practical advice.

VAT penalties and interest in the UK

Failure to settle your income on time may result in interest being charged or penalties from the UK Tax Office. The penalty for not registering for VAT within 30 days of the registration obligation is the imposition of a fine equal to the total VAT that was due in the unregistered period. Penalties for late or complete failure to return VAT are equal to 15% of the unpaid tax. Incorrect or inaccurate returns are subject to penalties in the form of a surcharge which is calculated as a percentage of lost income. This percentage can be as high as 100%. Discuss VAT with your accountant to avoid late fees.

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