
What is a Website Privacy Policy and Why You Need One

What is a Website Policy and Why You Need One

It’s safe to say that websites have become a normality in our modern society. Back in the day, most people used or made websites for entertainment purposes only, but this is not the case anymore. Fun is not the only reason why people use websites. For example, it’s impossible to make it in today’s society without having a website. It doesn’t matter what line of work you are in or how good your product is, if you want to be successful, you must have an online presence. In other words, you must make a website or pay someone to do it for you.  However, making a website is not a simple task. There are a lot of factors you have to consider and one of them is definitely a privacy policy. Today we are going to show you what a privacy policy is, why it is important, and how to write one.

What Is A Privacy Policy?

If you ever visited a website in your life, you’ve probably read a phrase - privacy policy. But, do you know what it is? If not, you’ve come to the right place. A privacy policy is basically a statement located on a website that provides thorough details on how the people in charge of the site will collect, store, protect, and use personal information that users and site visitors provide them with. Not all WebsitePolicies have the same form, but they all have the same purpose.

The personal data users have to provide when using a service or buying a product includes their names, addresses, email, phone numbers, and financial information. The last one is needed only if it’s an e-commerce site. In that case, the user must provide credit card details.

Other than the information on how the website will use the personal data, the privacy policy also explains how the site will be legally responsible in case they break the privacy policy. Also, it shows users how to seek recourse in case their privacy is violated.

Why Is It Important For Your Website?

The law says that any website that gathers any kind of data about its users and visitors, even if it is just their location, is legally obligated to have a privacy policy. Therefore, the short answer to the question of why it is important for your website is this - the law says so.

Therefore, if you own an eCommerce site, a website that tracks user behavior through cookies, or if you send your users and visitors occasional newsletters, you are required to have a privacy policy.

This kind of legal document is a mandatory thing in almost every country in the world. Of course, the specific requirements and details in the policy are different in every country, but most of the policies have common features, like the information on how data will be protected. Those common features and rules are necessary simply because the nature of the internet allows people to access and use websites from different regions and countries. Therefore, if someone breaks the rules and violates the user’s privacy, legal representatives will be able to make their case.

What is a Website Policy and Why You Need One

What To Include In Your Policy?

If you plan on having a website and collecting personal data from your users, you simply must write your own privacy policy. However, this is easier said than done, especially if you are new to this. Fortunately for you, we have some pointers that we want to share with you.

Bear in mind that every website is different, therefore, every privacy policy is unique. However, there are certain things that every policy should have. Here are the things you should include in your own privacy policy.

  •  Information that you will collect from users, which includes their names, physical or e-mail addresses, phones, and their location.
  • In case you are using cookies on the website, you must explain to your users how to accept or not accept them.
  • You must provide them with information on how you plan on collecting their data.
  • You must clearly state how the personal data will be used and will it be shared with third parties.
  • Explain to your users how their data will be protected from misuse or unauthorized access.
  • Provide them with a detailed explanation and instructions on how to prevent data sharing, but make sure to disclose the potential consequences.

Writing a privacy policy is not a simple thing to do. Nonetheless, you have to do it. This website policy will protect you and your users from potential invasions of privacy and other legal problems.

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