
Tips to Avoid Expensive Car Service Bills for your Business Fleet

Avoid Expensive Car Service Bills for your Business Fleet

Managing business expenses is a tricky task to handle. One has to intricately plan all the details to make the business up and running without any overspending. If you are into business wherein you are heavily dependent on the fleet of cars for business use, then the underlying concern for you would be the cost of running the fleet.

Finding ways to reduce the fleet cost is a difficult task, and one has to come up with a strategy that helps the company avoid any expensive car service bills. A business fleet consists of different categories of cars, ranging from luxury sedans to everyday commutation cars for the employees. If this business car fleet is not maintained properly, the car service bills can dig a big hole in the company’s budget.

One of the first steps for maintaining a business fleet is to find a mechanic for the best car service. Once you find a reliable mechanic, follow a strict schedule for regular car maintenance to avoid expensive bills due to engine failure or any other issue. Also, there are other costs involved, such as insurance, fuel, etc., that one has to look after.

The following five tips will help you to avoid expensive car service bills for your business fleet.

  1. Educate Drivers About Efficient Driving

For operating your business fleet, the drivers need to be well-trained. All the drivers must abide by the driving rules and regulations. Many times, drivers pick up bad habits, such as rash driving; there should be strict rules to control that. Rash driving may result in increased fuel cost and excessive wear and tear of the car parts. As a result, maintenance costs increase. The business fleet manager must conduct regular training exercises explaining how speeds, braking and handling can all add efficiency to driving. Make them learn the importance of idling (to keep the vehicle running when it’s not moving) and how it affects fuel efficiency.

  1. Reduce Fleet Weight and Size

Those who are managing the business fleet should reduce the size of the cars the business needs. One has to invest some time in understanding the functionality of the cars which are currently used. As a business fleet manager, try to spend some time researching in this field, a task that many managers fail to do. Once you understand the business requirement and factor in the costs and budget involved, you can reduce vehicle models, engine size, etc. This way, you can manage and maintain the car fleet efficiently. As a result, less mechanical breakdowns and downtime.

  1. Cut Down on The Physical Travel

If you want to avoid expensive car service bills, cut down on physical travel for business undertakings. By doing this, you can avoid wear and tear of your business fleet and can reduce the fuel cost. By limiting the unimportant trips, you can avoid unnecessary trips taken by employees for small meetings. You can prevent such unnecessary trips by conducting an audit on your company’s corporate travel. Such audits can help you to identify business trips that can be sorted via a telecommunication application such as Skype, Zoom, etc.

  1. Maintain The Windscreens

It might sound a little unusual, but windscreens are an important part of your vehicle. Without them, your car can’t run smoothly at its cruising speed. If by any chance, your business fleet’s cars are having windshield issues, get them to fix immediately. By avoiding the repair work, you are putting the life of your drivers as well as passengers at risk. Just remove the thought that by avoiding windscreen repairs, you can save money. Instead, you can worsen the small chips and cracks. If you make it a rule to thoroughly check the windscreens at certain intervals, you can save a lot of time and money on expensive car service bills caused by an accident or replacement.

  1. Maintain The Tyres

Tyres are an essential aspect of a car. Without tyres, the car would not even move an inch. Tyres have to have accurate inflation pressure all the time while driving to be safe on road. Also, worn-out tyres can affect the fuel efficiency of your business fleet. Some companies provide cars to their employees as job perks, and they can use them for their daily commutation for work. The one receiving company car should be familiar with some basic car maintenance that they can do at home, such as checking the inflation levels and tread depth regularly. This way, you can spot the tyre damage and can get it replaced with the new ones. You can save a lot of money on the repair cost if you invest a little time in maintaining the tyres.


The above-mentioned tips will help you to avoid any unexpected expensive car service bills for your business fleet. By keeping few key pointers in mind, you can increase the lifespan of your business car fleet. Furthermore, if any of your cars need repair work, get it fixed immediately without delaying it.

Author Bio:

Hi, I’m Eleena Wills. As a writer and blogger, I strive to provide informative and valuable articles to people. With quality, constructive, and well-researched articles, one can make informed choices. My articles cover a wide range of topics, from home improvement to hairstyling and automotive.

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