
Social Media Updates February 28th

Wow! February has gone fast and there have been quite a few new updates in the Social Media World.  In this review, I’ll look at a few of the key ones for marketers...

Facebook Updates

Facebook Ads Manager for Excel

Most of us see the need and value in Facebook Ads.  At the same time, it can be time-consuming and tedious, right?  Do you have multiple ad campaigns for different accounts on Facebook and need help managing all of it? Great news! There is now an add-in on Excel for Facebook Ads Manager where it lets you create one report that will show you the performance and other breakdowns for your ads across different accounts.

Why it Matters

This tool is great for anyone using Facebook Ads as it gives you the data you want from one or multiple accounts all in one report. It is great for comparing different ad campaigns and also just to simplify your reports for your Facebook Ads. You can filter by a variety of options and personalize your template to show you only the data you want to see.

This tool will save you from having to export each ad report every week/month from every account. You won't need the help of a developer to create these reports -- you can build beautiful reports all on your own.

Instagram Updates

New Updates for IGTV

Since IGTV launched last year it hasn’t taken off as well as hoped, but do not dismiss it. There is a lot of potential yet for IGTV and some of the new features Instagram has for IGTV are moving the needle in a positive direction. Recently, Instagram added IGTV promo videos into the main IG newsfeed and now Instagram updated the layout for IGTV. The new layout allows for improved channel suggestions, search, and profile layout.

Why it Matters

Instagram is not solely a video streaming platform....yet, however, with Instagram having over a billion active users a month, IGTV is a great place for you to create and post video content that can reach a large audience base. With IGTV’s new layout and promo videos in the newsfeed, it has a huge potential to reach large audiences and provides new opportunities to promote content on Instagram. The promos in the newsfeed is a HUGE win and one marketers want to be aware of for their potential shift to increased use of IGTV.

Instagram Public Collections

Instagram is looking at expanding private collections to be made public. This would change the way people can save and share the content they love. The feature would have the possibility of being like Pinterest as a way to create collections of ideas, travel destinations, products, and more.

Why it Matters

We don’t know anything further for testing or if this feature will be launched to the public but it could be a great way for businesses to create shoppable boards and collections for products or other ideas. This potential feature gives a glimpse into the direction that Instagram is taking to have more eCommerce related ambitions.

LinkedIn Updates

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Updates

A new feature was recently released on LinkedIn for its sales navigator to help find and manage sales prospects. The sales navigator helps teams identify the right buyers, track key leads, engage with potential prospects on LinkedIn. This new feature allows businesses to filter through leads faster by making custom lists and excluding items from search to ultimately make more sales.

Why it Matters

This new tool is geared towards helping a business make connections to make more sales. The new features in the Sales Navigator allow you to refine your search and collaborate easier with teams to close more sales.  LinkedIn is the premier business social network and while you may not have used Sales Navigator, you might start thinking about it more now!

Pinterest Updates

Pinterest is Filing for an IPO

Boom!  Not a new feature update but something to pay attention to this year. Pinterest has filed for their IPO. As the company is going public and giving up some ownership to shareholders it could have significant effects on the company and how it operates.

Why it Matters

Pinterest has tried to distance itself from being referred to as a social media platform more recently but refer to it as a search engine for ideas and products. This could help with it going public though there is always more scrutiny when a company goes public. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Watch the roll-out and let’s see if it’s an affordable stock option with growth potential!


That’s a wrap for February 2019!  Make sure you sign-up for email updates to get these updates in your inbox 2x per month!

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