
SEO Content Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

SEO Content Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

It is a necessity to come up with a professional website if you want a brand to be noticed and followed. Designing a website is the first stepping stone. It is not the only task you have to complete for getting customers and generating sales, however. Search engine optimization is what makes a website popular and gets it noticed. As well, though, simply having a website with flashy animations does not mean it would perform well in SEO terms. If you have implemented the correct tips, your website can perform very well. On the other hand, if the SEO techniques have not been followed properly, a website will not get traffic. It is important to understand that websites earn money only when they have regularly growing traffic regularly. 

Search Engine Optimization Errors to Avoid

There are several prohibited SEO acts which website owners should avoid. If you make these mistakes, the rank of your website will go down within no time. 

Here are 5 SEO errors which should be avoided.

Incorrect Plagiarized content is not acceptable

There are millions of websites listed in each category. Whether you talk about e-commerce, electronics, product reviews, clothing brands or any other category, there are several alternatives to choose from. Today, you need to provide top quality content if you want people to select your website instead of the other available options. People do not visit websites which have grammatically incorrect content. 

Beware that there is a problem if you do not have the time to proofread content. If you just copy specific lines from an already published article, and publish on your site, then it will be considered as a plagiarized work. Google will lower down your organic positions, as the content is not plagiarism free. To avoid any kind of these circumstances, use check for plagiarism free tool to review any and all guest posts prior to publishing. An online plagiarism checking tool will accomplish the goal for you without hassle. All you have to do is paste the content and get it checked using this software. 

The best thing about this type of software is the pace at which it is able to identify issues. In less than a minute, you would know about all plagiarism issues in your content. Once you know about the errors, correct them and perform the check again. Simply repeat this process until no errors are shown. 

Diverse web pages make an impact

The SEO rank of a website does not depend only on the number of pages it has. If you add 5 blank pages to a website, it is obvious that there would be no positive impact on the SEO rank. The information uploaded on the pages would make a difference. Some websites have pages with diverse designs. The layout, color scheme and overall structure of each page is different so that visitors are attracted. However, the role of informational content cannot be ignored.

At times, website owners post similar content on all their pages. For instance, a furniture brand may publish content related to a particular dining table design on all the pages. From the customer’s point of view, this leaves a negative impression. People who visit the website feel as if they are viewing the same page again. Google also do not rate websites with redundant content in high positions.

A site structure which does not convince users

The structure of a website defines the flow which users need to follow. In other words, web designers and web developers do not have sufficient knowledge of SEO methods. They may equip the website with robust technical frameworks but the site structure may not be as per SEO requirements. The home page is the most important component of any website. It gets the maximum clicks so if it does not have an easy to understand design, most visitors would exist without spending a lot of time. In addition to that, if the site structure is not helpful, users do not make a return. Eventually, the rank drops and the so does the progress of the website.

A website that does not have a responsive design

Do people access websites using laptops and desktops only? The answer to this question is no. Today, if you have a look at most people visiting websites, they use smartphones and tablets. What is the key difference between a responsive and non-responsive website?

The resolution of responsive websites is adjusted in accordance with the screen size of the device. If you are using a smartphone of 6-inch screen size, the layout of the web pages is modified accordingly. A standard website with a non-responsive design does not have this feature. The view of the website is distorted completely when the user accesses it on a smaller screen.

These days, if a brand does not have a responsive website, it is counted as a big SEO blunder. This is a large chunk of visitors who use mobile phones and tablets are automatically eliminated. The reason being that no one has the time or patience to scroll endlessly and go through the content.

An inexperienced SEO consultant is big trouble

Experience does not have any substitute and website owners should definitely not ignore this point. Search engine optimization is a typical job and inexperience can ruin it. An SEO consultant is responsible for selecting back linking, selecting the correct keywords and executing other activities which are aimed at improving the website performance. If he does not have related experience, the website rank would go down instead of improving. A website cannot earn good revenue sums if it is not ranked highly. Most people do not even think about checking websites not ranked on the first page. Thus, credibility and skill set of the SEO expert are integral factors.


Many websites do not survive for months even after having top notch designs. The prime reason is implementation of an incorrect SEO strategy. Website owners should make sure that they adopt the correct search engine optimization practices so that the rank can improve in the long run.

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