
Personal Injury Lawyers: How Can They Help You?

Personal Injury Lawyers: How Can They Help You?

Personal injury law provides sufficient compensation to people who have suffered a physical but psychological and emotional injury due to another person's negligence. The individual can be held responsible for paying damages based on the degree of harm caused and other considerations.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, fatal work injuries in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States are around 275. Due to this figure, the demand for West Palm Beach injury attorneys has increased.

What is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer responsible for legally representing the individual injured in an accident or due to negligence or deliberate intention of the other person.

As per data, 22,106 road accidents were reported in West Palm Beach, Florida, US, alone in 2021. In addition, 12,832 injuries and 185 fatalities occurred in the same year. These personal injury cases require the professional attention of West Palm Beach injury attorneys.

The primary duty of such lawyers is to help their clients to recover sufficient financial compensation for their injuries or mental and emotional stress they have gone through because of an accident.

Different Types of Personal Injury Cases

Here listed are different types of cases that a personal injury attorney deals with:

  • Transportation accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Automotive accidents
  • Burn injuries
  • Boating accidents
  • Child daycare negligence
  • Defective products
  • Wrongful death
  • Medical malpractice
  • Nursing home abuse, etc.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

The contingency fees charged by personal injury lawyers in the United States fall between 10–45%. Attorney fees are limited in West Palm Beach, Florida, to 33.33% of any settlement. Thus, the lawyer typically only receives payment for the personal injury claim in vehicle accident situations.

The following mentioned points specify the work of these attorneys:

  • Investigating Claims

Usually, attorneys provide their legal services on a contingency basis. However, it implies they will only pay the fee after making a favorable settlement. Simply put, they will be paid only after recovering compensation for the person at fault. Since personal injury attorneys are responsible for financing the case themselves until settling, they carefully evaluate and screen the clients' cases. First, a claim is investigated by them, and then only issues with the potential for a win are taken by them.

  • Collecting Evidence

The work of an injury attorney begins with collecting all facts and evidence to support the plaintiff's claim. The evidence gathered can include pictures of damaged property, medical reports, records, or bills, tracking witnesses, collecting employment documents, etc.

  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies

It is a must for personal injury lawyers to have excellent negotiating skills. After all, the work of these lawyers includes dealing with insurance companies daily. They are efficient enough to review the policy details and determine the maximum amount a party can get as compensation. However, it is all based on specific case circumstances. Also, they will handle all communications with the insurance company to prevent the client from jeopardizing his claim.

  • Preparing Pleadings

If the insurance company refuses to pay a fair settlement to the injured party, the attorney might prepare a complaint against the defendant. The complaint sets out all the incident details and legal arguments about why and how the defendant is responsible for the accident. In addition, the complaint specifies the amount of compensation that the injured person is seeking.

  • Representing the Client at Trial

Primarily, personal injury claims settle before reaching a trial. However, if a particular case goes to trial, then the lawyer will be representing his client's case in court and argue for getting him fair compensation.


If you have injuries from an accident, it is wise to have a professional personal injury lawyer by your side. Such lawyers are experts in explaining your rights and guiding you through different options to get compensation for your injuries or damages.

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