
List of Countries Where Bitcoin is Completely Authorized!

List of Countries Where Bitcoin is Completely Authorized!

Bitcoin, P2P virtual cash, familiarized the notion of regionalized finance to everyone. Government bodies and tax parties impose regulations regarding cryptocurrencies to regulate their use. Therefore, the usage of this virtual coin relies upon the country you are residing in.

Authorities of some regions see cryptocurrency as a risk to the financial authorities and monetary system. Visit to get more insights.  A few countries have classified Bitcoin as an illegal asset, not an excellent monetary system. But in some countries, the use of Bitcoin is completely legal. Below listed are a few countries that see Bitcoin as a legal investment asset, currency, and money service business.

Key takeaways

  • Due to its decentralized nature, Bitcoin has led to some financial concerns and threats.
  • Bitcoin has a potential use case for purchasing goods and explicit services, but some countries do not develop proper rules and regulations regarding these virtual assets.
  • The use case of Bitcoin in the majority of the developed countries is prominent as these countries host several merchants and Bitcoin ATMs that facilitate its usage.
  • In some developing countries, the use of BTC is entirely unauthorized, and in some regions, it is even criminalized.

List of regions that sees bitcoin as a legal investment asset!

One can anonymously utilize the most significant virtual coin to execute transactions and exchanges. The anonymity of the Bitcoin network has emerged many apprehensions regarding government authorities. Below listed are some countries that see bitcoin as a legal investment asset.

The United States!

The US has been one of the early movers and adopters of this technology. The government authorities of this country have been passing guidelines regarding the use of this virtual coin three years after its release. According to higher authorities, Bitcoin resembles fiat currencies, replacing fiat currency. Therefore, the United States government authorities rank cryptocurrency exchange as a money service business.

The European Union!

The European Union has a diplomatic point of view regarding cryptocurrencies. However, the government authorities identify this cryptocurrency as an asset, and it is completely authorized to use Bitcoin in the Union.

If these bodies see Bitcoin as an asset, you might wonder how the government authorities have a diplomat point of view regarding cryptocurrencies. As per the EBA, any activity related to cryptocurrencies is not governed.


The majority of the developed American Countries offer a very supportive stance regarding bitcoin. Canada is one of the most significant bitcoin hotspots. Vancouver held the foremost BTC ATM near a coffee shop and was one of the leading cities to accept Bitcoin payments.

Canada has thousands of merchants that are ready to accept Bitcoin payments. Canada Revenue Agency has classified Bitcoin as a commodity for taxation purposes. Like the United States, CRA has classified the cryptocurrency exchange under the umbrella term of money service business.


Like the Bitcoin biggest hotspot, Canada, Australia has classified Bitcoin as a commodity for capital gains tax purposes. So in Australia, if you transfer or make any purchase regarding cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, you will have to pay a capital gain tax. All the more Australians are required to sustain a transaction history of every transaction for the taxation.

El Salvador!

El Salvador is a Latin American country and will become the most significant bitcoin hotspot in the forthcoming years. Currently, El Salvador has the maximum number of Bitcoin ATMs and a specialized cryptocurrency wallet Chivo.

More than 500 BTC ATMs are on the way, and 700 BTC ATMs are already installed in the country. In addition, El Salvador has completely legalized Bitcoin transaction uses as BTC is also a legitimate central currency in the country.

The major economy of this country now also revolves around BTC. The president of this country has wholly supported Bitcoin since the last year. Nayib Bukele has initiated the plan of Bitcoin city, and he has predicted six major events regarding Bitcoin. As per Nayib Bukele, Bitcoin will surpass the target of $100k; all the more Bitcoin city construction will begin this year.

Nayib Bukele has reported that El Salvador will not be the only country to adopt Bitcoin as a legal tender. As above, is everything you should acknowledge about regions that acknowledge Bitcoin as a legal asset.

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