
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Today's workplace requires emotional intelligence (EQ). In order to be an effective leader, EQ is a critical skill. Trust, morale, and productivity can be increased by recognizing and addressing your employees' emotional needs. A few real-world examples will help us understand leadership qualities and techniques for developing emotional intelligence as part of executive coaching for intelligent leadership.

Leadership Qualities: What Makes a Great Leader?

The power and influence of certain leadership qualities cannot be overstated. Self-awareness, social awareness, and resilience are three vital ones. Each one has its own life, and it either makes or breaks a leader! Below are some examples from the workplace. To help you become the authentic leader you are aiming for, we have included real-life challenges and EQ techniques to practice.

Turn your emotions into fuel for change by becoming self-aware

I once had a boss who would get short-tempered when we received negative feedback from clients. We were put on edge by his behavior, which negatively affected our work.

Methods to Try:

●Be aware of how you feel. If you are upset, take 10 minutes and write about what happened. Feeling angry with yourself for missing a deadline? How does your body react?

●Respond to the situation by seeking the leader you wish to become. Be calm and grounded in your values before responding.

●Choose how you want to feel. Take notes.

●You now need to take care of yourself. Identify your desired emotion and devise a plan to achieve it. You should then consult your team.

Boost Your Social Awareness

Recently, a friend of mine told me about her supervisor saving her job. After being a stay-at-home mom for two and a half years, she had just returned to work, and she found it frustrating and unfulfilling. She thought quitting would be the best solution. She was able to have a candid conversation with her supervisor after her supervisor noticed that she seemed a bit stressed. Upon presenting the situation to their district manager and business owner, they each listened to my friend and made her feel important. Her decision was to stay.

BEFOR Holdings, Inc.'s CEO, Sheldon Yellen, is another example of a socially conscious leader. He wanted to make sure that his employees didn't think he was getting special treatment when his brother-in-law hired him in 1985. He began writing birthday cards for each employee as a way to build a relationship with them. Since then, he has written 9,200 cards every year.

Methods to Try:

●Respond supportively to body language, especially in group situations. In a meeting, for example, if an employee is trying to speak up, but others are talking over them, pause the conversation and ask them for their thoughts.

●Give feedback and individualized attention to team members.

●Group settings are not the place to correct employees. Before writing up a grievance or implementing consequences, try to have safe, open, and honest conversations privately.

Be approachable and build resilience in your leadership

Leaders who are emotionally intelligent make resilient decisions and solve problems. They adapt to any environment, manage their stress, and set healthy boundaries. Additionally, they are highly empathic and people-oriented.

I'd like to introduce you to Paige, one of my clients. At any given time, Paige manages dozens of projects and people, and the end of the year is always a crunch time. She struggled to manage deadlines and holiday schedules in her first year. As a result, she reacted in a knee-jerk manner, which tended to snowball into bigger issues with productivity and morale. As a result, employees' family holiday plans were disrupted by this crisis management style.

She prepared herself and her teams the following year. Before the event, she reflected on her pain points and asked her team to do the same. By collaborating, they developed best practices for managing project expectations, reducing stress, and avoiding unnecessary pressure during the holidays. Leading instead of reacting is what this forethought accomplishes.

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