
Is a Shared Commercial Kitchen Right for You?

Shared Commercial Kitchen

You can make your kitchen earn sufficient money for you. It doesn’t matter whether you use a kitchen from a church, school, or your house. The way your kitchen can earn money for you is by leasing it out. Before you lease out as a shared commercial kitchen; we need to identify some things you should have as well as the pros and cons of running one

Things you need to start your kitchen enterprise

To determine whether this venture is right for you, here are a few things to consider before starting one:


First, consider whether the kitchen is big enough to host kitchen equipment. Some of the items needed in a kitchen include ovens, refrigerators, grills, deep-fryers, sinks, dishwashers, doorways, and so on. Ensure the space is also big enough for kitchen staff who tend to be many.  You may also need to bring some of your own supplies.  A place like chef supplies online can be a source for all your specific needs.


Consider what foods you will prepare before setting it up. If you do not plan to include roast beef in your menu for instance, then you do not need grills in your kitchen.

Have a team that will help you set one- you cannot start this venture on your own. You need a team of experts such as chefs, construction workers, plumbers, and so on.

Health codes and regulations

Before you even set one, remember to familiarize yourself with your country's regulations concerning kitchens. Some kitchens get closed down due to health hazards such as the absence of fire extinguishers, improper food storage, staff members handling food with unwashed hands, and many others. The regulations are supposed to reduce cases of illnesses and accidents among people.

Proper ventilation

Ensure your space can accommodate windows or ventilators to drive away excess smoke or spices. Some people are allergic to certain spices and you want to save such people the trouble.

Kitchen flow

The design of your commercial kitchen for rent should be able to accommodate free movement of staff in and out of the kitchen. Flow aims to reduce congestion in the kitchen. Additionally, the cooking area shouldn't be far as this facilitates fast movement of food to your clients.


Once you have your shared commercial kitchen up and running, here are some advantages to expect:

  • Since you have a team of staff such as plumbers, cleaners, and dishwashers; responsibilities get shared.
  • The venture allows you to be flexible since you do not have to be in the kitchen 24/7. You can be free to attend to other duties.
  • Your team of experts can give you additional tips on how to grow your venture.
  • Free access to amenities such as water and oil, if your kitchen is in your food truck.
  • The building from which you are renting will foot all your bills for the workers, electricity, and pest control, and so on.
  • You do not need to purchase special equipment for the kitchen, the management can always do that at your request.


For every pro, there are equally cons to consider. Here they are:

  • There is limited privacy in the shared commercial kitchen depending on the number of workers.
  • It may soon become expensive, should you need more kitchen workers. More workers mean more money to pay them.
  • Depending on the management, you may not be allowed to bring special equipment to the kitchen without their permission.
  • If your venture is closed by health inspectors for one reason or another, you will lose access to the building. It becomes worse if any legal action is taken against you.
  • Food delivery becomes a challenge if you lack the transportation means such as motorcycles or food trucks


The venture is a very useful side hustle. If done right, you can make this your full-time job. Some people have had to expand by creating more kitchen enterprises. This is only possible if you have the necessary kitchen equipment and the passion for the venture.


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