
Industrial Compactors: Things You Should Know

Industrial Compactors: Things You Should Know

A business often uses all kinds of equipment, each with one of two purposes. It either streamlines specific tasks or performs operations that are otherwise unachievable without it.

An industrial compactor is one of the few pieces of equipment that can do both. It streamlines the waste management process while reducing the total volume of waste a business generates.

In addition, industrial compactors come in various types relative to their size, functionality, and features. For these reasons, business owners tend to get the wrong compactor type or use the machine for the wrong purpose. With that in mind, this guide will go over essential things you need to know about industrial compactors before getting one.

A Brief Overview Of Industrial Compactors 

An industrial compactor is a machine that compresses different types of waste a business produces, from cardboard to aluminum. You put the garbage into the machine, and after a few seconds, it spits it out in the shape of a cube with a volume much lower than before.

Business owners mostly use it to simplify or streamline the waste management process. Compared with regular compactors, an industrial compactor is much larger so as to handle higher volumes of waste. However, some are relatively smaller but can be used for industrial applications, nonetheless, specifically by small manufacturing companies.

Costs Of Industrial Compactors 

An industrial compactor may have a price ranging from USD$10,000 to USD$20,000, depending on several factors. These include its size, function, and features. Of course, there are outliers with a much lower or higher price. Automated compactors, for instance, may cost USD$25,000.00 to USD$30,000.00, as they operate automatically with no need for an on-site technician.

In addition to the initial price, you must consider the costs of repairs and maintenance that an industrial compactor requires. Maintenance is necessary once every year at most to keep your compactor in good condition. So, it shouldn't make a dent in your budget to avail of quality services, such as GK compactor repairs and modifications.

Benefits Of An Industrial Compactor 

The benefits of industrial compactors may seem obvious at first glance, but there's much more to the machine than you may initially think. Below are the benefits it can bring to your business:

  • Save space 

The obvious benefit of an industrial compactor is that it saves you space. Rather than your waste taking up a hundred cubic meters, you can instead turn it into smaller, much more manageable cubes that only take up half the original space using the machine. Additionally, since the trash takes up a smaller space, the company will look cleaner as a result.

  • Save you money from waste removal services 

A sanitation truck can fit only a certain amount of trash in its container. That's why more often than not, waste removal services may require several journeys to completely remove the trash from your property. The number of trips affects the price you have to pay, and ideally, you'd want to take fewer trips. An industrial compactor can save money by reducing the number of trips since you can put more waste into sanitation trucks.

  • Greener company image

When you use an industrial compactor, not only are you reducing the space your waste takes on your property, but you’re also reducing the space they take in landfills. Since it can be good for the planet, it essentially makes your company environmentally friendly. That can be good for your bottom line since customers are more likely to support companies with green initiatives.

  • Prevent safety hazards 

Though it's not as harmful as other hazards, waste can potentially threaten human health. Wet waste may lead to slips and falls as well when not managed properly. In contrast, some solid waste can be corrosive or flammable, which can lead to fire hazards.

An industrial compactor can minimize the corresponding dangers of all sorts of waste. It can mitigate odors, get rid of liquids, and reduce flammability by means of compression.

  • Improve the quality of the air 

Garbage is notorious for its unpleasant odor, which, while not immediately hazardous, can cause issues like coughing or loss of smell with prolonged exposure. Therefore, odour control is an essential aspect of waste management.

One effective solution is using an industrial compactor. These machines minimize odors by compressing the waste, making them liquid-tight and preventing odors from leaking out. Although some argue that the equipment may negatively impact air quality by generating greenhouse gases, industrial compactors are known for their relatively low energy consumption. This makes them a practical and environmentally friendly choice for odor control in waste management.

An industrial compactor can minimize the odor by compressing the waste because it's liquid-tight, meaning no odor can leak out of the machine's container. Though some may argue that the equipment itself reduces air quality as it generates greenhouse gases, it's worth noting that industrial compactors are known for their relatively low energy output.

trash compactor

Business Applications 

Though industrial compactors are indeed helpful in general, no matter where they are, there are certain businesses where they're not worth their price. An office, for example, can do with just a regular compactor. You may not even need a compactor in the first place.

However, there are businesses where industrial compactors are often a must-have, and these include:

  • Distribution centers
  • Garden centers
  • Hotels
  • Manufacturing facilities
  • Medium to large retail businesses
  • Restaurants
  • Superstores
  • Warehouses

Regardless of the company, there will always be a certain amount of waste. Perhaps the only difference is the amount. Some will generate more waste while others will have less.

The amount is often proportional to the need, and the aforementioned companies are just some examples of those that generate particularly large volumes of waste.

If you're one of these businesses, you most likely need an industrial compactor. The question now is, what type should you get? There are several types available according to various factors.

Let's start by looking at the different types according to the waste it can handle:

Different Types Of Industrial Compactors: By Waste Type 

The three types of waste you need to deal with include (1) dry waste, (2) solid waste, and (3) recyclable waste. There's a specific type of compactor for each waste:

  • Stationary Industrial Compactors 

A stationary industrial compactor is a type that mainly handles dry waste. It consists of two main parts, (1) the compactor and (2) the container. The compactor is welded or bolted on site, so it remains fixed in place. It's separate from the container, which can be detached and portable. When it's time to get rid of the compacted trash, on-site workers will detach the portable container and put it on a trailer to be hauled to a landfill.

  • Self-Contained Industrial Compactors 

A self-contained industrial compactor is most suited for liquified or wet waste. The compactor and container are permanently attached to one another, unlike the stationary compactors. When it's time to get rid of the waste, the entire unit, including both the container and compactor, loads on a truck to the landfill.

  • Recycling Industrial Compactors 

As the name suggests, recycling industrial compactors specialize in compressing recyclable materials into cubes of smaller sizes. There are stationary and portable versions of this compactor. Once it's full, a recycling company takes the container or the waste directly and delivers it to a recycling facility. It's similar to how industrial balers work.

Make sure the compactor you purchase is suitable for the waste type your company often deals with. Be it liquid, dry, or recyclable waste. For your reference, recyclable waste may include the following: cardboard, electronics, glass, metal, paper, plastic, and textiles.

Different Types Of Industrial Compactors: By Size 

An industrial compactor is usually 60 to 90 cubic feet in size. The size generally depends on the specific type of machine. Stationery, self-contained, and recycling compactors usually have those sizes, though they may vary. However, certain types of compactors are much smaller or larger than average, outliers in terms of size, if you will.

Here's a look at those types:

  • X-Press Pack Industrial Compactors 

An x-press pack industrial compactor is a bit larger than a photocopier machine, with a size of 30 cubic feet. It's often best for hotels, restaurants, and retail businesses.

  • Indoor Industrial Compactors 

An indoor industrial compactor is the second smallest type. It's around 50 cubic feet in size, which is slightly larger than a refrigerator. The machine is typically vertical and is often best in distribution centers, superstores, garden centers, and warehouses.

  • Transfer Station Compactors 

This is the largest type of industrial compactor. They're well over 100 cubic feet in size. Due to its size, you can install hoppers, conveyors, and chutes. These can make it easier to ‘transfer’ the compact waste from the container to the truck, hence its name. It's designed for high tonnage waste management, as it can handle up to 250 tonnes of waste per day. It’s mostly used in manufacturing facilities.

Keep in mind that stationery, self-contain, and recycling compactors also vary in size, but the size isn't their main difference. These three types, on the other hand, are.


Waste management is a huge part of every company, and an industrial compactor is the best way to streamline it. However, it is a fairly expensive investment, so it's important to figure out whether it's necessary. Then, consider what type you must get according to your specific needs. That way, you can make the most of your investment.

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