
Improving Home Care Administration and Business Operation

Improving Home Care Administration and Business Operation

Administrators of home care are in a unique position, as they must have both a micro- and macro-perspective to be successful in their challenging role. Often, administrators need to balance the needs of direct care workers, processes and concerns about care with the overall health of the organization. This list is intended to help homecare administrators be more effective in their roles at the many levels that they are required to function within organizations. You can start by reading the tips below.

1. Take into consideration the culture that you promote

You and your staff come from different cultures. This creates a unique culture in your agency whether you intend it to or not. It's crucial to set an example and practice cultural competence to ensure that your staff thrives, as well as your clients receive the highest quality of care.

Identify your organization's core values and collaborate with your caregivers on how to best reflect them in all processes.

2. Establish departmental and business-wide goals

It's not by accident that almost every company, in every sector, sets goals for their employees. They work. Staff members are motivated by goals, both individually and collectively. Many hospitals are filled with goal-oriented people. You've got to meet a lot of benchmarks in order to get a job in the healthcare sector.

Create goals based on HCAHPS response. What is the minimum score you want to achieve for a floor? What is a unit? A unit? If you set the bar high enough, people will rise up to the challenge.

3. Find support

It's not just about the way your employees relate to each other or their work. As a homecare administrator, mentorship and mutual learning are essential. Jessica Nobles, Home Care Ops' home care leader, argues that mentoring and mutual support is of utmost importance to home care administrators looking to improve the performance of their agency and staff.

Join a group on Facebook to connect with other home care operators and administrators. Or, find local connections in person through networking.

4. Set Clear Guidelines

It is important to make new procedures easy to understand for your staff. Clarity is important. Include specific examples of how to achieve the pillars for patient-centered care such as including approved family members in case decisions, putting physical comfort first, and educating patients. To improve patient comfort, you can suggest that care providers use measures like topical numbing agents.

It is important to give everyone the chance to ask questions so that you can quickly clarify any misunderstandings.

5. Continue learning

Leaders never stop learning. This can be done by gaining formal training as a homecare administrator. The most effective home care administrators constantly improve their knowledge and skills in client care, agency management, and workplace management.

If you want to get the most out of your training, look for programs and courses designed to fit in with your busy schedule as an administrator.

6. Humanistic management practices

In an industry that is experiencing a shortage of labor, your caregivers' experience at your agency could be a powerful factor in determining your recruitment and retention rate (and ultimately your bottom line). Home care administrators can use humanistic management strategies to focus on the needs of caregivers. According to Dr. Benito Teehankee.

Humanistic management research has shown the importance of putting your employees' needs, feelings, and quality of living at the center of everything you do.

Start implementing these ideas by considering the impact of agency processes on your staff.

  • Schedule problems take caretakers away from their families?
  • When they have a problem, do they feel that their concerns are being heard?
  • Are they not recognized for their contribution to the success of your agency?
  • Does your staff earn a living wage?

7. Ask for feedback from your team

Your caregivers will be the most valuable asset in your agency. Caregivers are not only the ones who provide the essential services that home care agencies exist for, but they also have a wealth of information about your organization's health and future.

Administrators can reap multiple benefits from implementing systems that regularly ask for, document, and follow-up on feedback provided by caregivers. Feedback from caregivers can help you improve retention rates and uncover inefficiencies.

8. Work closely with patient advocates

Patient advocates live in patient-centered care. They are there to make sure patients receive the best care possible, so they listen to their concerns. Working with these professionals can give you insights into feelings and opinions you might not have otherwise known. You can make a significant impact by incorporating this feedback into your procedures.

It's not only better for the patient, but it's also crucial to today's healthcare industry. It may be difficult to make changes to your processes, but by empowering your staff with these tools you can help them take the correct actions. Making it a priority will help it become the norm.


Liability coverage should meet or exceed the minimum requirements of your state. The agencies may also wish to set specific limits for property damage and injuries based on estimates of the damages in that region.

Home health care's mission is to create a safe, comfortable environment in which clients can live and recover at home. It is important to protect everyone from liability by purchasing the right home health aide insurance and making sure that caregivers have the necessary qualifications.

Final Thoughts

Administrators of home care agencies have a lot on their plates. They play a crucial role in ensuring that clients receive the care they require while supporting caregivers. These tips will help home care administrators to better care for themselves, staff, and organizations in order to provide high-quality services to their clients.

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