
How to Make Money With 3D Printing: Ways for You to Profit

3D printing is one of the most innovative and rapidly growing technologies in the world today. It has already begun to change how we produce objects, and it will surely play an even more important role in the future. But what does that mean for business owners? How can you make money with 3D printing? Below, we answer this question by exploring several ways for you to profit from this exciting new technology.

5 Main Ways to Make Money 3D Printing

Some of the ways you can make money from 3D printing include:

1) 3D Print Customized Products for Customers

How to Make Money With 3D Printing: Ways for You to Profit

3D printing technology has revolutionized manufacturing, making it possible to produce custom products quickly and affordably. Investing in a 3D printer can make money by producing customized products for customers.

For example, you could create custom phone cases or jewelry. You can also create parts or prototypes for businesses. The sky's the limit regarding what you can make with a 3D printer. With creativity, you can make a lot of money by 3D printing customized products for customers.

2) Sell 3D Printed Objects Online

Statue printed

Selling 3D-printed objects online is another great option for making money with 3D printing. You can create your own designs or customize existing designs to create products that people will love. There are a few things to keep in mind when selling 3D printed objects online:

  • Make sure your products are high quality. This means using a good quality 3D printer and filament and taking the time to make sure your products are well-designed and finished. The good news is that you can now even get the best 3D printer under $1000 that produces high-quality prints.
  • Choose the right platform. There are several different platforms where you can sell 3D printed objects, so choose one suitable for your products and target market. A good example is Shapeways, eBay, and Etsy.
  • Price your products competitively. Remember that people can buy similar products from various sources, so price your products competitively to attract buyers.

3) Offer Consulting Services as a 3D Printer Expert

3D consultanting

As a 3D printer expert, you can make money by offering your services to businesses and individuals looking to make the most of this technology. By understanding the different 3D printing technologies and their capabilities, you can advise clients on the best way to achieve their desired results.

Whether helping to design a product or advising on the best material for a project, your expertise can be invaluable. In addition, you can also offer your services as a 3D printer operator, helping clients to set up and troubleshoot issues with their 3D printers.

4) Start a 3D Printing Blog

Starting a 3D printing blog could be another perfect way you can use it to make money. By sharing your knowledge and experience with others, you can help them to get the most out of their 3D printers. And by advertising products and services related to 3D printing, you can generate income from your blog. You can visit to learn more about how to grow your business, how to handle your finances, and what the latest technology can do for your business.

5) Rent Out Your 3D Printer

If you're not using your 3D printer always, you can make some extra money by putting it to work. Plenty of people need access to a 3D printer but don't have one of their own.

You must consider a few things before renting out your 3D printer.

  • First, ensure you have the appropriate insurance if something goes wrong.
  • Set up a rental agreement that outlines the rental terms and what happens if something goes wrong.
  • Finally, make sure you are charging a fair price for the rental.

If you're looking for an easy way to make extra money, renting out your 3D printer is a great option. Just make sure you do your research and set up everything properly before you get started.


3D printing is becoming more commonplace as technology improves and becomes more affordable. This means entrepreneurs have more opportunities to start businesses that print and sell 3D-printed products. If you’re looking for ways to make money with 3D printing, we’ve outlined the main methods you can use to turn your 3D printer into a money-making machine.

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