
How to Improve the 7 Functions of HR

How to Improve the 7 Functions of HR

Of all the resources that help to run a company, people are the most valuable. Yet personnel is also the toughest to manage due to the variety of needs, abilities, and expectations that each individual comes with.

Human resource (HR) management helps to identify the right people to fit in certain positions. If they are able to do this successfully, the company achieves its goals quicker. On the other hand, employees reach their full potential, performing at their highest possible levels.

Typically, HR is tasked with seven key responsibilities including:

  • Recruiting and hiring
  • Training and development
  • Compensation management
  • Performance management
  • Employee relations
  • Staff welfare management
  • Labor law compliance

In this guide, SelectSoftware Reviews shares quick ways HR professionals can improve their results when performing these functions.

Recruiting and hiring

This function is arguably the most important for HR managers. Without an excellent strategy for attracting top talents to an organization, it’s not possible to find significant success down the road. Some of the critical tasks involved in this step include writing job descriptions, advertising job vacancies, screening and interviewing applicants, and helping the overall company management in making key hiring decisions.

To improve results at this stage, the following are a couple of tips HR professionals can implement. Continually re-evaluate job descriptions every time you’re hiring new staff members. Also, strive to hire people with diverse qualities and backgrounds for a more complete work environment.

Training and development

Every ambitious person wants to grow and learn new things. This is why HR professionals should give the training and development function the attention it deserves. Start by orienting new hires to the company’s policies and operational procedures. Other training opportunities could include job-specific ones such as Brampton First Aid Training, workplace safety and compliance training.

While developing employees is often costly, the investment can pay off in increased employee productivity, quality of output, and retention. To boost results, set goals for all programs to ensure any training conducted helps to meet specific company goals. While at it, be sure to measure results to identify possible areas of improvement in future employee development processes.

Compensation management

This function entails setting salary ranges for employees based on their qualifications and responsibilities. It also involves recognizing accomplishments by individuals and consequently offering performance incentives and adjusting salaries as needed.

There are a few ways HR professionals can improve this function to ensure fairness in remuneration across the organization. For starters, consult a reliable source of workers’ compensation ranges such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This will help you to benchmark your organization plans against what’s considered to be the standard in your geographical area and industry.

You might also want to regularly audit your staff salaries for bias. This helps to ensure that your compensation guidelines meet the legal thresholds based on aspects such as gender, ability, race, and age.

Performance management

Companies conduct performance management to evaluate how individual employees are performing. This sets the basis for recognizing their efforts and rewarding them. It also helps HR professionals to identify areas of improvement or violation of policies and imposing discipline as needed.

To improve the performance management function, the management should set clear expectations. This guides every employee on what they’re working towards and how their actions influence their performance scores.

Employee relations

Multiple studies show that the happier an organization’s employees are, the more productive they are likely to be. Every company should strive to create a happy workforce by incorporating experiences and activities that positively improve its relationship with the employees.

A good place to start is to offer more than just good salaries. A lot of employees now want flexible work schedules and opportunities for growth at work. Doing some research related to what is career planning in hrm can be beneficial to help your employees develop themselves in a way that aligns with their personal goals, as well as those of the company. HR professionals can also use surveys to gather feedback that helps them identify possible areas of improvement.

Staff welfare management

Every employee wants to feel safe and protected when working in an organization. HR professionals can help with this by creating safety guidelines, planning for emergencies, and providing wellness programs for employees.

To improve this function, they need to set up communication channels that ensure all accidents and incidents are reported quickly. For emergency planning and preparation, it’s important to establish first aid stations and conduct evacuation drills.

Labor law compliance

Nothing else matters in an organization if it cannot comply with the laws of the land. HR professionals need to establish clear guidelines and policies on key areas like discrimination and harassment, whether physical, sexual, gender, or racial.

To improve this function, consider seeking legal assistance from a legal advisor to help draft and review policies that guide your organization. Besides, providing training to your employees on issues pertaining to harassment and discrimination will significantly reduce such cases.

What steps are you taking to improve the functions of the HR department in your organization? We’d like to hear your feedback.

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