
How To Hire A Specialized Accounting Firm For Your Business Exit Strategy

How To Hire A Specialized Accounting Firm For Your Business Exit Strategy

No matter how you love running your company, there comes a time when you decide to end your involvement with it. These could be due to market uncertainty, business failure, boredom with the daily routine, financial distress, lifestyle change, retirement, and acquisition, among other reasons. For that reason, it's important to start establishing an exit strategy.

An Overview Of Business Exit Strategy

A business exit strategy refers to a roadmap for disposing of or selling your business. It lets business owners liquidate their shareholding in a company and make some profits.

You'd want to develop a business exit strategy for various reasons. For instance, it establishes a system that allows for a smooth transition to the new management. It also helps create a plan for increasing the value of your company. As a result, you'll likely sell it for big money.  

Hiring An Accounting Firm For Your Business Exit Strategy

Computing the correct value for your firm can be complex. For that reason, you can consider hiring a specialized accounting firm. There are a number of benefits to going with an accounting group that specializes in exit planning. They’ll help you minimize, defer, or eliminate capital, estate and income taxes.

However, not every firm can be suitable for your business exit strategy. So, how can you ensure you connect with a good partner?

1. Find A Firm With Proper Licensing

Several firms claim to offer accounting services. However, not all of them are licensed to do so. Therefore, research to confirm that your preferred service provider has proper licensing.

A good accounting firm will possess various types of licenses. For instance, it must have a master license. This document shows that a particular firm is listed with the state.

Apart from that, the owner or the manager of the accounting firm should have professional licenses like a CPA certificate. Therefore, you should avoid working with an accounting firm or service provider without proper licensing.

2. Choose An Experienced Accounting Firm

In addition to proper licensing, it'd be a good idea to find an experienced accounting company. That may guarantee you better services and quality of work.

But you need to note that just picking any firm because it has many years of experience might not help. Ensure you select a company that specializes in business exit strategy.

3. Ask For Referrals

Asking for referrals is another effective way to find a specialized accounting firm for your business exit strategy. It involves requesting other business owners or managers to direct you to the best accounting service provider in the region.

Most business owners are honest. Therefore, they'll likely give genuine opinions regarding specific accounting firms. That increases your chances of picking the best service provider.

Indeed, asking for referrals or recommendations can help connect with the most recognized accounting firm in the market. However, making a final decision based on referrals isn't advisable.  You should go the extra mile to carry out your own research to determine the most suitable firm for your business exit strategy.

plan for exit

4. Read Online Reviews

Today, you can't ignore online reviews when searching for professional service providers. And that's true when it comes to finding a specialized company for your business exit strategy.

Reading online reviews involves searching for other people's opinions regarding your preferred accounting firm. That gives you some insights into the quality of services to expect from a particular accounting service provider.

Any satisfied client with a particular accounting company will likely leave positive feedback about them. On the other hand, dissatisfied customers will write negative opinions online. Make sure you only sign a deal with an accounting firm with an established online review. Such a company will likely provide quality services.

5. Select an Accounting Company That Suits Your Budget

There are several accounting companies providing business exit strategy services. However, their fees may significantly differ.

You need to understand that there's no uniform way of charging for accounting services. Each firm sets the fees that it deems fit. That's why you see some accounting companies attaching too high prices for their services, while others are reasonable. Choose an accounting firm that accommodates your budget. However, you shouldn't compromise the quality of work for a low budget. Ensure your budget allows you to receive quality services.


Establishing a business exit strategy isn't easy. For that reason, most business owners consider hiring accounting firms to help simplify the process. You also need to follow suit. However, you must find the right partner. You can implement the strategies above to find the best accounting service provider for your business exit strategy.

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