
How To Effectively Reach Mobile Audiences

reach mobile audiences

Mobile advertising is becoming the most popular way to target customers, with analysts predicting that marketers will spend over $50 billion in mobile advertising in the US in 2018, which is double the amount that is predicted to be spent on desktop adverts. Targeting customers on mobile devices is so important, as it allows user groups who might not be interested to be excluded from the campaign; and now many more people worldwide own mobile devices than desktops.

Qualified users can be targeted on mobile devices by using the large databases provided that provide information through device IDs such as gender, age, location, interests and previous purchases. But how can marketers effectively reach their target audiences through mobile?

Identify Ad Target Details

Pre-targeting must be given consideration. This involves giving targeting criteria out to existing sources in advance of launching the campaign, like age, geography, type of device etc. Targeting sources such as Facebook allow look-alike groups of users to be targeted. This strategy is already being embraced by the online casino industry. So in states like New Jersey where online sites like PartyCasino operate legitimately, this type of targeting is absolutely essential in maximizing revenues.

A/B testing allows the comparison of different sets of targeting criteria. 10-15 different campaigns all with different target criteria and ideas can be tested towards a sample of users and then the most efficient campaigns can be scaled to a wider audience.

Post targeting can also be effective in optimization of campaigns based upon reviewing daily performance data of acquisition sources and each sub source.

Not too Narrow but Focused Ad Targeting

It is important that when running targeted campaigns via mobile that they don’t become too narrow.  As your targeting becomes more specific it is important to ensure that diversification occurs at maximum the acquisition sources to enable the increase of potential reach. It is also important to position campaigns around less competitive areas and more niche ones, increasing the chance of reaching your target audience. Furthermore, it is useful to make sure you are reaching out to customers in the right area, for example if you are a local business owner looking for customers in the local area.

Geo-targeting provides the opportunity to do this, mainly by using GPS to reach out to customers who are in the local area and enables you to market to them. Geo-targeting can also be used to send notifications and offers to audiences in a location that might be appropriate to your product. For example, you might be selling dog food and therefore want to reach dog owners at a local dog park added It is a precision based marketing tool that can really help to achieve the biggest possible returns by reaching exactly who you want to.

Mobile is the Future

Therefore, it is vital to ensure that your site is mobile friendly in order to reach users on these devices; and some sites miss the boat here, as some of their site features can’t be accessed by mobile users.

Your site also needs to allow mobile payments such as ApplePay, as from 2016 one in five users have been taking advantage of mobile payments. Offering mobile payments to customers and publicizing that you are doing this is a great way to attract more mobile customers who prefer this method of payment.

Reaching customers and potential customers via their mobile devices is now as important as ever, as nearly every one of them will spend time every day with a mobile device within their hand. It is important that this tool is used as effectively as possible.

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