
Everything You Need To Know About Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging In The UK

Everything You Need To Know About Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging In The UK

The number of electric cars in the UK and worldwide keeps increasing yearly. The general forecast for the future of EVs as the EV industry grows is that by 2025, the number of electric vehicles in the world will quadruple. This number doesn't seem very far off, considering the ecological benefits of electric cars and the slow but sure weaning off of gas that is occurring around the world.

Because of this imminent growth, this article will address the most important worry of future and present electric vehicle owners – charging. The process of powering an electric car is the crux of the difference between electric and gas vehicles.

For an industry that is growing so fast, there is still a lot of unknown information on this significant feature, and there is a lot to know. This article will outline everything you need to know about charging your electric vehicle.

Where Can You Charge An Electric Vehicle?

With good reason, this has to be one of the leading questions from future and current EV owners. Since electric vehicles are not as common as gas cars, how easy is it to find a charging station?

The answer is: relatively easy. Ideally, every space where you can park your car is a potential charging spot, but it becomes a real charging spot if a charger is mounted. Absolutely, the accessibility of EV car chargers has been expanding significantly. While the network of charging stations is not as extensive as gas stations, it’s steadily growing. Various locations, from public parking lots to shopping malls, have begun incorporating EV charging spots. Moreover, advancements in technology have enabled EV owners to easily locate these charging stations through dedicated apps or GPS systems. As the demand for EVs rises, the infrastructure to support them is rapidly evolving, making finding an EV charging point increasingly effortless.

Many public spaces have charging spots. Here'sHere's a list of the commonest EV charging stations in the UK.

Ev Charging Stations 

As gas-powered vehicles have gas stations, electric cars have EV charging stations scattered around the city. Suppose you pace your battery use and monitor the battery life. In that case, you will hardly ever be stranded or out of battery.

Retail Stores 

Retail stores, malls, and supermarkets have adopted charging stations in their establishments so customers can top up their charges while grocery shopping.

Gas Stations 

Believe it or not, many gas stations are realizing the importance of having charging stations at their gas stations. These charging stations typically offer fast charging, which is the gas "top-off" service equivalent for electric cars.


Many offices now have charging stations for their workers so their cars can fully charge while they're at work.

Although not mentioned in this list of public charging spots, the home is the commonest charging spot for an electric vehicle. As much as 80% of EV owners charge their cars overnight in their homes.

How do you find EV Charging Stations?

Although there are many charging stations around you, it's always wise to know how close or far from you the nearest EV charging station might be. The main reason for this is to avoid being stranded with a run-down battery.

  • Mapping out the charging stations in your closest vicinity;
  • Using the best EV charging app to show charging stations around you;
  • Linking up with other EV owners around and getting information from them.

Types of EV Charging Levels

There are three levels of EV charging – level 1, level 2, and level 3. Each of these levels charges at different speeds and uses different types of current.

Level 1 Charging 

Level 1 Charging has a low maximum KW of 2.3. It is also the slowest level of charging, covering 6 to 8 kilometres in an hour. EV owners use Level 1 charging as a substitute at home or in the office. Level 1 charging uses AC from the charging points in the house.

Level 2 Charging 

Level 2 charging occurs at a standard AC charging station. It is the most common type of charging that EV owners use. Level 2 charging is faster than level one charging, although they both charge with AC. Level 2 charging would charge the electric vehicle battery enough for 120km in one hour, a much larger distance than level one.

Level 3 Charging 

Level 3 charging is considered the fastest of all three levels because it uses direct current and doesn't have to convert. As fast as they are, EV owners don't use them all the time. They serve as "top-off" car charging stations and can be seen in gas stations.

How Much Does it Cost to Charge Electric Vehicles?

The response to this question often forms the basis for people's decision to buy an electric vehicle or not. Charging an electric car doesn't have a fixed amount as gas does. It depends on where you charge and what type of charging level you use. Based on these considerations, charging your electric car could cost anything from £0 to £50.

Home Charging Stations 

The cost of charging at home depends on the battery size and average domestic electricity rate. Larger batteries, like those of the Porsche Taycan and Tesla Model S 100D, cost much more than the Nissan electric vehicles. However, a probable range for a complete home charge falls anywhere between £3 and £30. You could spend much less if you could benefit from the special electricity tariff for EV owners.

Public Charging Stations 

Public Charging Stations cost as much as £8 for electric vehicles with lower battery capacities. For bigger battery capacities, the price could rise as much as £30.

Work Charging Stations 

The price for work charging stations varies. Some companies allow workers to charge their vehicles for free. In other companies, workers might have to pay a heavily discounted rate. Free charging could also be available for set hours, after which employees start paying.

Rapid Charging Stations 

It'sIt's a good thing that electric vehicles don't need rapid charging every day or week because it is super expensive. Where owners of a Fiat 500e would spend £3.60 to charge at home and approximately £8.20 to charge at a public space, they'd spend as much as £14.

For big batteries, this amount can be as much as £50.

How Long Does it Take an Electric Vehicle to Charge?

Electric cars have a lot going for them, but one perceived drawback is the time taken to charge its battery. Filling your gas car up doesn't take more than a few minutes, but electric vehicles have large batteries that take a while to charge, especially if you aren't using rapid charging.

There isn't a standard answer to the question of charging speed because it depends on the balance between multiple factors. These factors include:

  • Battery size;
  • Charging level;
  • The power output of the charging station;
  • Charging capacity of the car;
  • How much power the battery already has.

However, the average time it takes to charge a medium-sized battery from zero to one hundred using a level 2 charger with 22kw power output is three hours. Although it might seem too long compared to filling your car up with gas, it wouldn't pose much of a problem if you had a charging station at your house or office.

If you don't travel long distances, you might never have to wait three hours for a full charge if you top the charge up every couple of days.


Electric vehicles are fast becoming the standard vehicles to have. EV charging, one of the most significant drawbacks of having an electric vehicle, has largely been solved. With the best EV charging app, you can quickly locate a charging station near you and never have to worry about your battery running down.

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