
Do-It-Yourself Doctor: How to Start Your Own Private Medical Practice

Do-It-Yourself Doctor: How to Start Your Own Private Medical Practice

Did you know that roughly 49.1% of physicians work for a hospital?

If you're currently employed by a hospital, you might be interested in opening up your own medical practice. Yet, if you've always worked in a hospital, you may not know the first thing about opening a practice.

Read on, and you'll discover how you can start a successful medical practice. If you're ready to strike out on your own, these tips will help you figure out how you can get started.

Let's begin!

What Are the Benefits of Opening a Medical Practice?

Before we talk about how you can open practice, we should probably discuss the benefits of going down this route. 

One of the good things about opening a practice is that you will have a greater level of freedom. After all, you're the boss, and this means you have more control over your workload.

You may also make more money since you're not going to face any limits in the form of a salary. Provided your practice keeps growing, your earnings could exceed what you'd earn in a normal salaried position. 

Funding Your Practice

Dealing with startup costs is one of the most difficult aspects of starting your own practice.  One way you can tackle this issue is by paying for everything yourself. This approach can take a long time, and you'll also need to cut out a lot of luxuries so that you can build up your 'startup fund.'

If you want to reduce the amount of time it takes to build your startup fund, you may need to move to a location that pays physicians an above-average salary. In some cases, this means that you'll need to work in a remote location that has a shortage of doctors. 

Another option is to get a bank or an independent investor to provide you with money.  If you're going to go down this route, you'll need to create a business plan that details all your expenses, and projected profits.

If you need some help with this document, speak to people who already own a practice. They'll explain the expenses associated with opening and running a practice. They'll also be able to tell you about the kinds of profit margins you can expect.

In your business plan, you may also want to create a section that highlights all the competition you're going to face and how you will tackle this issue. 

If you do all this, investors will have greater confidence in you, and so will feel better about investing in your practice.

Should You Pay off College Debt First?

Note that if you've just become a doctor, you might have a lot of college debt.

Therefore, while you may be eager to open up your practice, you might want to pay off your college debt first.

While this might be frustrating, paying off your college debt will make life easier when you finally do open up your practice. This is because you'll have more disposable income, and so you'll be able to deal with any surprise expenses that could crush your practice. 

Again, if you want to reduce the amount of time it takes to pay this debt, you may want to look for positions anywhere in the US that pay a lot of money. 

Should You Partner?

If you have doubts about your ability to start a practice, you may feel as though working for a hospital is your only option. However, instead of abandoning your dream, you may want to think about working with a partner.

Now, in the short term, this might mean that you make less money, as you'll need to split your profits with someone else. Yet, having a partner means that you'll face lower startup costs, as you're also going to split your expenses too.

It's also worth noting that in the long term, you might end up making more money than you would by going solo.

That's because a partner may increase the odds of your practice becoming successful. Following this, the practice may make more money than a solo enterprise, thereby resulting in more take-home pay. 

That said, finding a suitable partner is not easy, and if you choose the wrong partner, you may experience more stress when compared to going solo.

Thus you need to carefully vet potential partners before you decide to go ahead with anything. Take plenty of time during this part of the process, as getting out of a partnership is often much more complicated than entering one.

How Will You Run the Practice?

Running a practice is incredibly difficult, and you need to think about how you're going to manage everything.

If you have a partner, you might want to split the responsibilities so that both of you have a manageable workload. You may also want to invest in practice management software. This can store patient records and general data associated with your practice.

Sometimes, you may run into an insurmountable issue within your practice. If you get to this point, you may want to hire some consultants that specialize in medical practice management.

Such individuals understand the common problems that can affect practices and how these issues can be addressed. With their help, you should be able to tackle complicated issues, thereby ensuring your practice doesn't go down in flames. 

Will You Open up Your Own Medical Practice? 

You should now understand the basics of opening up a medical practice. 

Some people like the idea of starting a practice until they learn about all the work that's involved. If you fall into this camp, it's nothing to be ashamed of, as opening a practice is definitely not for everyone.

You just need to make sure you're aware of the facts before you commit to opening a practice or working for a hospital. Provided you spend plenty of time educating yourself, you should be able to make a decision that'll you be happy with. 

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