
6 Ways To Start A Business Abroad

There are several ways to start a business outside of your home country. However, the first thing to think about is the type of work you do and what kind of visa you'll need, for example before you're able to set up shop in Brazil you'll first need a Brazilian CPF which is a taxpayer ID number. So if you decide to start a business abroad, the first step is to determine how you will do it. In this post, you will learn six valuable methods that you can use to begin an exciting business opportunity overseas.

Start A Business Abroad

In What Ways Is It Beneficial To Open A Company Abroad?

A lot of people are interested in moving to a foreign country to start a business. There are numerous benefits of living abroad, especially for entrepreneurs. However, there are some challenges that one must consider before taking the plunge. After all, you'll be in a new world of investing all your money in starting a business in a foreign country. As with any other investment, there are risks with moving abroad to start a business. There are also financial security risks that come with the territory. If you have an idea for an entrepreneurship project and want to take on the challenge of doing it in another country, do it. But, first you should make sure your plan is risk-free. Try to avoid taking out loans. Nonetheless, the main benefits include:

  • You get access to new markets
  • The market might be more significant than your home market
  • You could become a part of a trading bloc such as the EU
  • Possibly lower operational costs
  • Cheaper labor
  • A larger pool of talent
  • More favorable tax rates
  • Some countries offer business-friendly laws and regulations

The first thing you must do when planning to start a business abroad is research the local market. Make sure that you understand what your target audience needs. You must also be careful in how you market yourself. Otherwise, you could quickly end up making costly mistakes in the process.

Business Abroad

1. Apply For A Golden Visa

If you are planning to start a business in a foreign country, there are certain things that you must do before you begin to explore your options. One of these is to research the legal requirements in your chosen country. Most countries don't simply allow you to just open shop. Often they require several regulatory steps before they will allow you to do business. Fortunately, many countries offer what are known as "golden visa" programs. These are for at those looking to take advantage of the vast EU trading bloc and the vast market it provides. For example, Portugal offers a very reasonable CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT visa program that allows anyone who meets the criteria to start a business there. If you meet the standard set, such as investing a certain amount of money and being willing to purchase real estate of a particular value, you can begin the process.

The best thing about these golden visas is that you can apply to become a permanent resident after just five years. Then you gain all of the advantages that other EU citizens have. For starters, it allows you to live and work anywhere in the Schengen Area. This means you can travel within Europe without any difficulty and travel outside Europe without any restrictions. Additionally, you can bring your family to live, work and study in any other EU country.

2. Set Up A Joint Partnership Company

A joint partnership company, or JPC, is a company that two or more partners jointly own. JPCs are often formed to fund new business ventures, often backed by venture capital. They offer the advantage of ownership shares for the partners who make decisions. Unfortunately, many countries will require you to find a local partner and give them a controlling stake in the business. This is often non-negotiable, and in places such as China, there is no way around it. However, this isn't always bad news as your chosen joint partner can often be an established company like a law firm whose sole job is to be the partner. This typically ensures the safety of your business as it gives you recourse if anything goes wrong.

3. Create A Labor Intensive Business

Many countries worldwide have a chronic shortage of jobs available, which results in high unemployment rates. If you can meet with representatives of the government you want to set up in; you might find that they are more receptive to your advances if you promise to create local jobs.


4. Start A Business That Doesn't Exist Yet 

This option is self-explanatory but involves you starting as a company that provides a service or creates and sells a product that doesn't already exist. You are more likely to find yourself with willing countries if you can give something that they need but don't have. This could be anything from agriculture products to warehouses to high-tech products. Moreover, suppose you can establish schools that train the local community in how to use and operate your business.

5. Begin As A Foreign Student

Some nations allow a specific progression from international student to a resident to retain their talents inside the country. Although not all countries offer this progression, many Western states tend to be more open to it than others. Therefore, if you begin as a student (legally, of course), you might discover that you can become a resident if you apply via the correct channels. When this happens, you are generally granted the same rights as citizens. Including the right to live and work and various tax benefits available to citizens who open businesses.

6. Create A High-Value Business 

These are usually businesses that involve technology or produce highly skilled employees. For example, you often see large corporations like Google and Microsoft having no issues opening branches in other countries because of the high-skill jobs they provide their host nation. Suppose your business involves technology somehow, and you are dedicated to hiring highly skilled workers or training them to become so. In that case, your chosen country will roll out the red carpet for you and provide you with anything you need to get up and running.

How An Immigration Lawyer Can Help 

Starting a business as an immigrant can be difficult, especially if you don’t know the legal aspects involved. Moreover, the process can be lengthy and tedious. Any foreign business owner who wants to use the immigration policy to grow their business should first determine the legal options that come with it.

It’s good that business immigration lawyers are experts in business and immigration laws. That said, those who want to start a business abroad can consult a visa and immigration lawyer, such as Flynn Hodkinson Dublin, or any law firm within the said country that has the expertise regarding this scenario.

But, how can a business immigration lawyer help you start a business abroad? Here’s what they can do for you:

  • Explain Business Legal Requirements

When you apply for a visa, it’s important to know the legal requirements regarding your chosen business structure and your responsibilities as an immigrant. The requirements depend on the selected immigration program. An immigration lawyer can help position your business and meet all the necessary paperwork and documents.

  • Obtain The Right Visa For You

Immigration lawyers can explain the business visas available for foreign business owners. There are different visa types to choose from to maintain work authorizations and proceed with domestic and foreign operations, acquisitions, mergers, and other business structures abroad.

  • Tackles All Legal Formalities

A business immigration lawyer can also help with labor certification recruitment, employment eligibility documentation, company policy, and manual compliance, among other things.

Fortunately, opening a business in a different country need not be too challenging. From applying for a golden visa to providing highly skilled employment for local communities, there is a raft of ways in which you can open a successful business abroad.

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