
6 Marketing Tips For Growing Your Custom Manufacturing Business

Marketing Tips For Growing Your Custom Manufacturing Business

The manufacturing sector is one of the key drivers of the economy in most countries. It drives technological innovations and growth. As a result, it influences several other industries and firms down the supply chain. For that reason, you can consider becoming part of the economic growth by starting a custom saw manufacturing business.

One of the reasons you’d want to manufacture custom saws is that they’re in high demand compared to regular saws. Therefore, you’ll likely connect with several clients, leading to higher revenue and profits.  However, you must have an entrepreneurial goal and be determined to create high-quality products.

While that’s the case, growing your custom saw manufacturing business might not be a breeze. Several other firms like yours are already in the sector, which means high competition. Hence, you’ll have many challenges when penetrating the market if you’re not careful. Yet the good news is that you can leverage the power of marketing to boost your company’s visibility. With this, you’ll likely reach more customers and increase your client base, enhancing your wealth.

If you’re wondering how companies like the Pacific Trail Manufacturing custom saws adopt various marketing strategies to succeed in the industry, wonder no more. Continue reading to learn some marketing tips to boost your business growth.

1. Publish Relevant Content 

You must invest in content marketing to grow your custom saw manufacturing business. It refers to the practice of publishing online materials on your company platforms. Examples of materials you can post online include blog posts, photos, and videos.

You’d want to publish content to attract more organic traffic to your online platforms. Doing this will likely get you more leads that may eventually convert to sales.

Solely publishing content online may not be good enough to help attract a larger audience. What you post or upload should be relevant to the audience you wish to target. In simple words, your content should provide information regarding custom saws. This is vital because you can’t create content about something else, for instance, motor cars, and expect to connect with customers of custom saws. Thus, create helpful content to engage with your target customers.

In addition, you need to include targeted keywords in your online content. Most customers type these single words or phrases on their computers or phones when trying to find products online.

The right keywords will enable your content to rank high on search engines. This will result in more people engaging with your brand, increasing your chances of making more sales and profits to grow your firm in no time.

2. Leverage The Power Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Having a website is essential to the growth of your custom saw manufacturing business. This is especially true as it can enable you to serve your customers 24/7.

Besides, a website lets you connect with a vast audience from an extended region and even globally. Hence, you’ll gain more new clients to enhance your sales.

Although a website is a must-have digital aspect of a business, it might not be of any help if it isn’t optimized for visibility. That’s where SEO becomes necessary.

SEO is the process of increasing a website’s performance to rank high. This helps your custom saw manufacturing business become more visible online. In effect, more customers will visit your store and probably buy from you.

You can implement numerous strategies to optimize your company website for visibility. These include increasing its loading time, optimizing it for mobile phones, providing a search bar, optimizing it for voice searches, creating backlinks from the most recognized sites, etc. All these strategies will help your brand to appear on the first page of online searches to connect with more customers. This increases your chances of making more revenues to boost your company’s growth.

3. Put Things On Social Media 

You can’t ignore the power of social media when growing your customs manufacturing business. This is essential because most people spend a better part of their days on these platforms, not only integrating but also finding products.

Today, there are millions of active users on various social media platforms. Therefore, promoting your customs manufacturing firm enables you to connect with these large online audiences. Consequently, you’ll likely get more leads and sales to grow your business.

To start social media promotion, you must select the right platform first and develop a business account. You can achieve that by doing the work yourself or hiring experts to do it for you.

After establishing your business social media platform, ensure you publish informative content that can easily catch the attention of your target audience. This is crucial because no one would want to engage with an account that doesn’t interest them or add value to their lives.

Moreover, try to respond to every customer’s feedback on your social media posts. This shows how much you value their voice and time. Because of that, most of them will be willing to remain connected to your brand.

Customers will leave different opinions on social media depending on their encounter with your custom saws manufacturing business, so it’s positive or negative. Whichever the case is, ensure you respond to each comment with polite words and restraint. For example, you can appreciate positive feedback and offer solutions to negative criticisms. The goal here is to gain their trust in your brand.

email marketing

4. Consider Email Marketing

You might think that emails are no longer effective in marketing, but that’s not true. In reality, some customers still prefer emails over other channels for official business communication. Because of this, you can leverage the power of email marketing to grow your custom saws business.

You’d want to invest in email marketing for various reasons. First, it enables you to connect with a large audience. You can create and distribute one message to thousands of clients to enhance your brand's visibility.

Second, email marketing is a cost-effective strategy. Hence, connecting with customers via email enables you to reduce your marketing budget to save money for the growth of your custom saws business.

Finally, tracking email marketing campaigns is possible. You only need to install specific software to help know who opened your messages and who didn’t. This allows you to do follow-ups on customers who read your emails and find effective ways of reaching those who didn’t. All these will help establish a solid customer base to grow your custom saw manufacturing firm.

5. Work With Influencers 

Influencers have become integral to businesses in various sectors over the last few years. Correspondingly, you can consider working with them in growing your custom saws manufacturing company.

Influencers are social media personalities or celebrities with many followers. Thus, hiring one or two to spread the word about your manufacturing business enables you to connect with a larger audience. This increases your chances of gaining more leads that may convert to sales.

As the name suggests, influencers can affect their followers' purchasing decisions. For instance, having them talk about your custom saws stirs curiosity among prospective clients, leading them to trust your brand. So, whenever such customers want these products, they’ll likely visit your store, boosting your company’s growth.

There’s an unlimited number of influencers on various social media platforms. However, not everyone can help promote your brand, so ensure you approach the right influencers that fit your marketing needs.

A suitable influencer should be familiar with your niche. They must also be knowledgeable about product promotion. Know that collaborating with the wrong influencers might not get you better returns on your marketing efforts.

6. Ask For Referrals 

Another effective marketing strategy to fuel your firm's growth is to ask for referrals. This refers to encouraging existing customers to recommend your custom saw business to their friends and relatives.

Clients trust each other more than manufacturers or marketers. Thus, asking your existing customers to spread the word regarding your brand helps enhance the credibility of your business, so you’ll likely gain more customers through referrals.

While that’s the case, convincing your customers to have their friends and relatives check out your company won’t be easy. For that reason, you can consider creating a referral incentive program.

A referral incentive program is where you reward any customer who convinces other people to purchase custom saws from your company. This is your way of appreciating their efforts and letting them know that you didn’t forget their good deed.

Appreciating such customers makes them feel valued, so they may continue referring customers to your manufacturing firm. All these will go a long way towards boosting the growth of your business.


Marketing is the way to go if you want to grow your custom saw manufacturing business. Without it, your manufacturing firm will remain in the dark and only rely on word-of-mouth publicity or a few store drop-ins if you have a physical shop.

As you've seen in this article, there are various strategies custom manufacturers can adopt. Make sure you implement the most appropriate for your firm. After all, you can only grow your custom saw manufacturing business by employing suitable marketing strategies.

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