
5 Steps to Successfully Implement a Workforce Strategy

Successfully Implement a Workforce Strategy

Human resource is a company’s biggest asset and the core of business operations. Without a smooth, ongoing plan for managing their skills and needs, the entire organization is at constant risk of losing the said assets, thus acquiring more liabilities in different business areas. This is where having the HR department implement a workforce strategy can help.

The HR department’s task is not only to find the right people who are aligned with the company’s goals and standards, but they must also make sure that once they are onboard, they are utilized properly in the workplace.

What’s the goal of a workforce strategy?

The specific goal is to analyze the existing workforce, their performance, skills, experience, capabilities, and gaps to create actionable plans for the company’s future staffing requirements. Furthermore, it helps in spotting potential issues to address them early on. Overall, the plan contributes greatly to achieving short-term and long-term business goals.

Benefits of strategic workforce planning

Think of the goals and all the benefits of getting a workforce strategy executed efficiently. Without a doubt, it has a lot of advantages. Some of them are as follows:

Discover gaps.

You’ll be able to discover gaps in recruitment, training, redeployment, and even promotions. Once you understand these gaps, you can shift strategies appropriately.

Increase ROI

There’ll be a significant increase in output and productivity when you are able to manage the performance and skills of your employees. It’s a guaranteed increase in customer satisfaction and ultimately increasing ROI.

Improve employee retention

Instead of terminating employees, the retention rate will significantly increase with a well-planned redeployment and a clear understanding of their skills.

Steps in Implementing a Workforce Strategy

Ploy that is effective allows you to have a team composed of the right people with the right skill-set for their right job assignments. Here’s a five-step guide on how to achieve it.

1. Identify the company’s overall business strategy.

Look at the company’s long-term and short-term goals before developing a specific strategy. You will need to put the people in the operations on a loop, such as the line managers and department heads. Ask for the number of hires required and discuss the budget with them.

2. Examine the current workforce.

Your plan starts with your current employees. What is the current state of the workforce? Is the quality of the workforce right for the quantity? How are they performing? You will need to look closely at the numbers on both ends of the business, such as the KPIs and the ROIS. Is the company getting the most out of its workforce?

3. Recognize the talents, skills, and gaps

This is done by breaking down the skills and competencies needed for the roles that suit the company’s strategic direction. Here, you will analyze the current and future gaps to be filled. Moreover, these will help you in the recruitment process where you will consider the new hires, employee turnover, and internal promotions; basically, who and what you should be looking for.

4. Analyze the solution

Once the gaps and requirements are identified, you will be able to develop strategies to address them. Recruitment, training, outsourcing, and staffing must all be considered.

You must constantly ask: How will the gaps between the current state of the workforce and the future onboarding state of the company be filled? Remember to look far ahead.

5. Adapt and monitor

The workforce plan doesn’t end as soon as you apply it. With the constant evolution of the business environment, you must monitor the process and check how the organization is adapting to it.

By staying on top of everything, you will be able to adjust and modify your workforce strategy accordingly when unexpected factors within the business meet the new realities of the industry.


Implementing a workforce strategy is crucial at the executive, business unit, and front-line operational levels. Its impact spreads across several aspects of the business. With these five steps, you can effectively execute a plan to help the company anticipate different situations, adapt to them, and achieve the highest productivity and profit in the long run.

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