
How to Increase Page Speed

How to Increase Page Speed

The page speed can severely impact your brand's image in front of your audience. While you may think that the design layout, color themes, and content on your page are what’s important, you may ignore the utmost significance that a page’s speed has.

Many website owners focus on the content presented on their website and its attractiveness. But it is futile if the overall page speed is poor. Marketing companies aid clients in optimizing websites so that they load effortlessly.

If you are also on the hunt for optimizing and improving your website, SEO services in Dubai include expertly designed websites that promise to drive good traffic.

Now, let us get into a brief description of page speed.

What is Page Speed?

Simply put, page speed is the amount of time a website takes to load. The more time a website loading takes, the more there is a possibility of bounce rate which is the percentage of people visiting your website and leaving swiftly without clicking on anything else.

There are several factors and things that can affect your page speed. Some of them can be necessary for the image of your page while others can be a bit redundant that you can eliminate. It depends upon the type of website you have.

Some of these factors can include:

  • The coding of your website and any server-side scripting
  • Images, videos, and multimedia content that you have used on your website
  • The number of content and different customization
  • Themes, plugins, and CTA buttons

All the above-mentioned factors can cause the speed of your website to slow down. If these elements are all used together, it can be a little hard for your website to provide a great user experience.

You need to carefully analyze everything that you are using on your website, this way you can figure out what redundant elements can be removed.

Page speed is extremely important for your website as it contributes to the overall experience of your target audience having a great user experience.

If the page speed is slow and your website takes forever to load, it would immediately frustrate your target audience. There is no stopping them to switch from you to your competitor.

Not only page speed is important for your website traffic but also SEO. The search engine result pages will automatically not rank your website at the top in case the speed of your website is slow. Guaranteed SEO services provided by professional marketing agencies use exceptional tools to optimize page speed.

But the page speed is not a lost cause. You can use several tactics to reduce your page speed loading time:

1. Compress Images & Other Multimedia

Images, videos, and other multimedia content help in enhancing the overall look of your website. They provide a descriptive and aesthetic view of your website to visitors. For this reason, they are heavily used by website owners since they promise more traffic than ordinary content.

But excessive use of images and videos is the major reason that can cause a longer time to load your page. They add on to make your website slow altogether. Also, the size of these images or videos matters a lot.

If you are only using a few images and videos but they are large in size or heavy, they will cause the speed of your page to slow. It does not matter that they are few in quantity, their large size is enough for your website to load slowly or crash eventually.

When you are including images on your page, try to compress them in size or change the format of the files. This will help you in including your desired content while not sabotaging the speed of your page.

Carefully choose optimized images for your page that can improve the look and speed of your page. This will help in making your website eye-catching and easy to load too. Your target audience will be attracted to your website because it will also rank at the top of search results.

2. Use Good & Optimized Hosting

The first step of your website design is acquiring hosting. The difference between good and bad hosting lies in the effectiveness of the page speed. If your website is having trouble loading fast, it is most probably because of the bad hosting you have chosen.

Good hosting helps in providing your website with excellent performance and that means good page speed. But many times it has been observed that website owners prioritize money over quality and opt for a cheap hosting provider. As a result, their websites are not good and do not provide a memorable experience for users.

To have a website that has great page speed, choose a hosting provider that promises quality and exceptional performance management.

3. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A content delivery network includes a group of geographically distributed servers that work together to provide content closer to the users. By using CDN, you can deliver relevant content fast by using the locations of users.

CDN includes a group of servers that distribute a load of content to deliver fast. This way, you can improve the speed of your page as the traffic is divided according to geographical locations. This will help in your SEO as your website will be able to rank higher or having a consultation with a good SEO company can boost website ranking

This proves to be a good way to make sure that your page's speed is good and that will provide a great user experience. When the page speed is good, it will not only attract your target audience but will also help you in ranking at the top of search engines.

4. Remove any Unnecessary Plugins

The presence of plugins is important on a website but including too many plugins can only cause the website to load slower. Unnecessary plugins should be removed as they are hindering your users from having a great user experience.

In addition to this, outdated and poorly maintained plugins can also cause your website a serious threat. You should use minimum plugins and that too of only high quality. For SEO, using good plugins will help in optimizing your website and it can rank high.

Plugins can be excessive and may overlap each other if they are the same tools and provide the same functionalities. You need to acutely analyze your plugins to figure out what you need the most and what you do not. Through this, you can eliminate any redundant plugins that are not relevant to your website anymore.

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